And this is the message I proclaim – that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone’s secret life. (Romans 2:16 NLT)
It is amazing how we think that what we do in secret will never be found out. We try to cover it up and hide it from others. We become so good at this charade we begin to think we can hide our “secrets” from God.
Looking back through scripture we quickly see that hiding our circumstances from God is not possible. Take a look at Adam and Eve, Moses, and David – they all thought they could run from God and hide their sins. However, what we learn from their lives is that the longer they played “cover up” the larger their sin became.
Do you have secrets that are weighing you down? Are you suffocating under the pressure of those secrets? Do they feel like they are getting harder and harder to confront?
If so, write a letter to God. Reveal, confess and tell of the secret life you are living. He knows already, but there is power in confession.
If you would like help and understanding in this area, please check out my book “Dirty Laundry Secrets ~ a Journey to Meet the Launderer.” You can buy it here. Get it as an eBook today.