I keep striving. I’m trying to keep up. I feel like I’m splashing around, but something inside of me is screaming You’re drowning! Quit thrashing around and just be. Be.
It’s been a crazy incredible month. There’s so much to share and the words get all boggled up. Then I become frustrated because the words don’t align properly or even at the right time.
So much to process.
The truth is, I’ve been on a huge learning curve. I feel like I’ve been thrown in to a vast pool of deep blue water and I know I have to swim in all this new knowledge. I tell myself just keep swimming. I even sing it as Dory does in Finding Nemo, but the weight wears me down.
While there’s much to process from The Idea Camp, Out of Darkness training, and my week in Guatemala, there are the daily chores that still need to be done.
Writing still needs to be accounted for.
Preparing messages for a speaking engagements still need to be prayed over.
Organizing Taking it to the Streets for 500 must be accomplished.
Blogging this series still needs to be written.
And the weight begins to weigh me down in the swim of life, until the point I felt like I was drowning.
Strip off what weighs you down.
While we each might be navigating our ways through the deep blue pool of water, there are things they weigh us down. Drown and suffocate us.
As I was figuring out how to swim for the long haul, a friend said, “What are you willing to throw off?” Why hadn’t I stopped long enough to realize that. It’s the law. If you are ever drowning or stuck on the open ocean, first thing you do is strip off what is weighing you down. Clothes. Shoes. Whatever.
The whatever at the moment for me was the weight of this series. Not that the words are weighty, but the daily commitment was suffocating me among everything else that needed to be done.
Just do it.
Too many times when we know the right thing to throw off, we question ourselves. It’s as if we are trying to talk ourselves into wearing that weight a little longer, hoping we’ll survive.
But this time I just threw off the weight of writing this series for 31 consecutive days. I took a breath! A deep refreshing breath. I didn’t worry about what you’d think, instead I knew I had to lighten the load.
All the sudden swimming didn’t seem so overbearing. It was enjoyable again.
While I’d love to beat myself up for not following through on the consecutive day commitment, I’m not going to. We need to take time to look at what is drowning out the joy of our lives and then strip it off. [tweet that]
No guilt. No questions.
“Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit!” Hebrews 12:1 MSG
I think Paul might meant to have said — Strip down, start swimming — and never quit. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
It’s time to strip down, friend!
QUESTION: What can you strip off to lighten your swim across this life that you navigate?
This is good stuff, Alene. This part – the letting go of things that weigh me down … especially when they’re good things – is often a challenge and a struggle for me. Thank you so much for your example and encouragement!
I totally agree. Who wants to let go of good things? It’s hard to see that letting go or good things makes room for the best things. But we can’t see the best things until we let go of the good things. Oh my —- I best get better at stripping off! I long for the best.
I’m wondering if my website is something the Lord is stripping away… still praying and working through that, trying not to be frustrated, trusting God has a plan.
Thanks for your encouragement to seek Him! Miss you TONS
Website problems are so hard. It messes with you mind and you wonder what to do! Mine was down the whole month of January — totally jacked me up. Praying for peace and encouragement for you! Love ya
Stripping down…God has been speaking to me greatly in this area. Just yesterday I resigned from another commitment. I’m slowly beginning to breath again. Love you, your heart and your words!
WOO HOO — stripping away and resigning!! Hopefully you feel the peace setting back in upon you. Let me know how I can encourage you further. <3
I think for me, it’s sitting down and prioritizing. I have a tendency to say yes, yes, yes, I can do that, when in reality, I have plenty to do on my own for my own business and blog (and have a lot to prioritize there as well!) without taking on more. So, I am going to make time to start prioritizing and before the beginning of the year, I am going to set up an editorial calendar for next year. I think that will make life a lot easier on me! It was great to meet you on Twitter the other day through SITS!
Michelle — thanks for stopping by and I have to say your reply is a confirmation to what I was just thinking this evening. I’ve stretched too thin and I know I need to focus on the best yeses. I decided to begin preparing for a new schedule for 2014 — one with much focus. Oh how I hope I can do this — I know it is necessary!! Thanks friend.
I completely understand and feel that weight as I somewhat drown at the moment. I have taken on too much by saying “yes” to everything so that I can build a new identity almost that doesn’t involve working in a full time career. I volunteer at the school, i’m heading up the PTA fundraiser at the moment, going on a field trip with my son which will cause considerable pain after walking all day, soccer, basketball, taking the puppy to training class – all while working through my own 31 day challenge, writing, marketing, etc. Somedays I want to get in my car and drive to the nearest beach (8 hours away) and just stay there a few days. Instead, I’m going to have to take off some things to save myself – the question is what at the moment.
I’m hearing you girl! Hearing you loud and clear. That’s why I’m headed out to spend some time at the beach — luckily for me it’s just 30 minutes away. It’s time to gain control, get focused and strip off what is weighing me down. Let me know how I can encourage you onward!
I am so glad you took your friend’s advice and gave yourself permission to stop the series…you have a lot on your plate and a lot to process…so take the time you need to be still, hear His voice, and swim as God leads you…my latest post (which is Before FMF) is inspired by you and our trip to Guate and how God used you…blessings to you, my friend :)
I’ve felt for the last few days as i’ve I’m suffocating under the weight of the pressures in my life – work, ministry, children, finishing my book. I’ve been completely out of gas the last two days, with no inspiration to finish my book, yet the deadline is looming. I need to spend some time at His feet, soaking up His love and casting off the cares of the world around me.