You might have seen a few bloggers out there today talking about what it means to live a good story. They are all sharing over at Prodigal Magazine if you want to check it out. You will be blessed.
While their posts have captured my thoughts, this question of having a good story has been rolling around in my mind for years. Years!
Somewhere along my journey of growing up, I decided my story wasn’t good enough. I spent many hours trying to duplicate what others were doing. I wanted to act, walk, dress, and talk like them. I wanted to be them!
The notion that my own story was not good or cool followed me into adulthood and marriage. After years of infertility, God blessed my hubby and I with three children. I was living my dream of being a stay-at-home mom. But it didn’t feel good enough because it was not what my friends were doing. I found myself longing for their stories. Their lives of being lawyers, doctors, teachers, and nurses. My heart ached because I wasn’t content with my own story. It was my dream, why wasn’t it a good enough story?
Years later when God called me to write and speak, I was mortified. I sensed there wasn’t much to share because my testimony seemed so boring. Who wanted to hear anything I had to share? I didn’t have one of those cool testimonies. Rescued from drugs. Removed from an abusive relationship. Found freedom in jail. My God story wasn’t even good enough!
Shortly thereafter, my husband and I found ourselves in the middle of an excruciatingly dark story. We had been scammed by a con artist. We were questioned by the FBI, IRS, and many more. We lost everything. We lost our way. Our marriage almost didn’t survive. We were tied up in court with attorney’s for 9 years trying to clear our name. There it was, my story. A story of how we overcame with God’s help. But I didn’t want to tell anyone. It had shame written all over it.
It was then that a friend entered the story of my life and said, “If you let your secrets go and tell your story, they will have no power over you.”
It was that day I decided to let the truth ring out. As time moved on I had no idea that this story that God had knit together for me would become all I would need to relate to those he put in my path.
My journey soon led me to serve at a inner city church. A place where I didn’t see how I would fit in when I first arrived. But as I’ve been afforded the privilege of speaking, teaching, and ministering there I realize it is the story of my life that gives me a heart to connect with the broken and abused. It is the truth of my story that I never felt good enough that gives me a glimpse into the hearts of how they feel.
While I continually long for purpose my story never seems good enough; however, it is certainly the story God intended me to live out to reach others.
What does it look like to you to live a good story?
Oh please do tell, because your story needs to be told for the sake of others.
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I love your story!! I pretty much feel like you did…that my story is not anything anyone would gain anything by hearing. But I know that it’s MY story and God did the telling so I know He wants to use it for somebody sometime. Alene…you just don’t know what a great encouragement you have been to me these past few years! God bless you!
Thank you Marilyn and why do so many think their stories are worthless? They are God stories. Your encouraging words always keep me going. I hope things have calmed down a bit on the home front. Think of you often. Saying a prayer.
Everyone has a story. God has our story planned. Even if we may think it is “boring” our Father will be using it for His kingdom.
Missy, you are so right. Why do we think our stories are boring when God is using them? I need to readjust my thoughts!
Your heart, the insecurities, the sincerity, is beautiful. A work of God. The good stories are the ones with God. Though it might take us years to recognize his presence.
God stories are good stories! Even when it’s your own story we need to remember that. I’m just a talking to myself here girl!
I have compared my stories to others many times. You’re right, we all have our own stories and each one is important. Sharing His faithfulness through our stories helps draw the lost to His greater redemptive story. Great post!
I heard a saying once that said, “It wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat, it was comparison!” I’d totally agree with that. Comparison kills, stifles, and suffocates – so why oh why do we do it? Working on giving that bad habit up!!! It’s so hard.
What an awesome blessed post. I remember the very first time I met you many many years ago when you came to the house to pick up your youngest daughter and I thought , wow I would like to get to know her. I did and I have. You, girlfriend, have unleashed a boldness and a honesty of finding my own story to tell and allowing me to tell it. Thanks for sharing and being a true christian chick with flaws and all. love you!!
I can’t wait to hear that story girl! I know your writings will reflect most of it. So, keep on keepin’ on! Thanks for always being such encouragement.