This is a repost from just a year ago. BUT this is what I learned this week — just because you’ve jumped once doesn’t mean you’re done jumping. In the last few days, I’ve jumped AGAIN or rather maybe I was pushed. I’m trying to catch my breath and as soon as I do I can’t wait to share with you. This is God-sized awesomeness!
When the phrase “stop for the one” sank into my soul, I had no idea what God was going to do. The phrase scared me, but I knew it was a calling to get my eyes off myself and on others.
The thought of serving others, especially the down and out, is now a “comfortable way of thinking.” But each time an opportunity arises I question, I freak-out, I get scared and I realize I’m totally out of my comfort zone. But God seemingly wants to stretch me further. Have mercy!!!
I’ve sensed a new thing stirring in my soul. You’ve sensed it too as you’ve read posts. You’ve probably thought I was crazy, but I didn’t want to reveal the essence of what was stirring because what if I ended up too chicken to follow through. But today I’m brave. You want to know about this new thing? God is calling me out to the neighborhoods. Did you see my heart skip a beat when I wrote that?
Seriously, Jesus is calling me out to the ‘hood! Cray-Cray!
It’s as if He is talking so plainly that I must be standing among the disciples when he says:
Don’t begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don’t try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here.” (Matt. 10:5-7)
Heavens, I’ve put it off, questioned, argued, and flat-out told God “seriously, you’ve got the wrong girl!” I’m pretty sure I said that in my Moses-like-voice so it would be OK. Thank goodness for Moses and all his excuses. Not that I want to follow his example, but it assures me of God’s awesomeness when I stand handing Him one excuse after another. I’m so not proud!
Excuse after excuse. The bolder I get telling God why I’m not the girl, the bolder He gets in confirming that this scared, crazy, curly-headed suburban girl is the one He has called.
As I delayed, He sent messages and books that stirred my debating soul. As I read Anything for review (total God timing), I tweeted Jennie (the author):
@JennieSAllen Just read that this morn as I finished the book. #Anything is wrecking me. I’m on the tower. It’s time I jump.
— Alene Snodgrass (@AleneSnodgrass) June 14, 2012
In my own way, I had been praying “God, I’ll do anything.” But when He began to reveal His plan, I began my thought-vomit “not me, I’m scared, seriously, not to the ‘hood!”
Feeling like I was on the ledge of a high tower, I knew if I climbed back down I’d miss the adventure and opportunity. But could I jump no matter how fearful I was? Then that crazy girl Jennie tweeted back.
@AleneSnodgrass Jump.
— Jennie Allen (@JennieSAllen) June 16, 2012
Reading her response made my heart skip a beat! Seriously, almost like a heart-attack. Was I brave enough to jump?
Oh, I want to be. I want to be adventurous. Brave. Bold. Passionate. Radical. So my prayer continued, “God, I totally get what you are saying. However, I have no clue what I’m doing. Please show me the way.”
Praying “God, I’ll do anything” coupled with “show me the way” is dangerous. Do not pray these prayers unless you want your comfort zone shaken and rocked!
You’ll never believe what God did next . . . In keeping with bloggy guidelines for the readers sake of time, I’ll tell you the crazy thing God did tomorrow. (well not tomorrow because that’s the 4th where we need to be celebrating those families who sacrificed so that we can live in freedom to worship God)
Just know, I’m too afraid of missing out on God’s plan to climb back down the ladder.
Thanks Jennie for saying “JUMP!” I’m going for it.
Dear friend, is God calling you to JUMP? Picture yourself on that tower ledge. Are you afraid? exhilarated? Tell me about it in the comments.
And the rest of the story is HERE.
Order Jennie’s book Anything here.
Have I ever. Three years ago I prayed those words and shortly after I became friends with Dennis. He has helped me as much as I have helped him, I hope. I would like to think that and I am sure he will agree. He is staying with us right now. He came to visit for the weekend and told me of his homeless travels. You see he felt God telling him that we needed to meet. My husband had invited him to come for the weekend last fall and he took us on that traveling from TX to OH by bike until the bike was lost in St Louis and a kindly trucker going to PA dropped him off near our house. His sacrifices along the way, his planning and lack of planning the tales of I wish I had brought.. but then I lost this, so?
I am blessed to have someone care so much for me to travel so far..
Amy girl – I’m thinking you need to be writing your stories! You have so many awesome ones and I’m sure there are more I need to hear about. Thanks always for sharing!
Alene, your words stir me. Last year, my husband and I both felt called to our … you guessed it … our neighborhood. For years, we’ve been getting in our car on Sunday mornings and driving on the freeway to church. Not that that is a bad thing. But we’ve distinctly sensed God’s call for us to reach out to those nearest us first.
Okay, I’ve got to tune in on Thursday!
Blessings, friend.
Denise – that is awesome! Let’s be encouragement for each other as we step out of our comfort zones and love on those nearby. God is stirring something new friend!
Yes, He’s been for a few years. I’m timidly putting my toe in the water. Oh to jump….
Girl – when you are on a platform on a high tower there’s no putting your toe in the water. I have an idea . . . I use to love holding hands with my girl friends when I was young and jumping in — maybe you and I just need to hold hands and JUMP!
Thanks for the email. Love the idea. I’ll respond back soon.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading about your journey. It’s scary when God leads us to new uncomfortable places. Almost always when God takes me where I do not want to go, in the long run I’m glad I went.
I need to read that book, it sounds inspiring and look forward to your post that tells us what you did. I’m getting caught up on reading from God Bumps.
Cheering you on as you take the leap, straight into your anything … where Jesus is everything!