And did you know . . .
Mary had no idea her cousin Elizabeth was with child until the angel revealed it. Often, what we don’t know is more than what we do know.
As we meet with family and friends over the next few weeks may we be mindful that there is much we don’t know.
There are stories behind their stories.
There are things they are going through that they aren’t willing to share. There can be emotions and conflicts under the hurt. Real truths may rest under the happy, go-lucky smile.
So don’t judge or condemn. Don’t presume to know it all. And don’t be offended by what others do or don’t do.
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I am blessed to have many friends and an incredible family; however, I don’t know their every care. I don’t know their inward struggles, daily battles or every discouraging thought.
This holiday season may you be mindful there is usually more to any one story. Read your loved ones hearts then determine to be a ray of light, encouragement and joy to those you are around this Christmas season.
Speak words of encouragement with your eyes, smiles, hugs, and tongue.
And did you know . . .
Christ shines in you to bless others this holiday season.
If you’d like a fresh perspective of Christmas, download Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street. A short book written by myself and my homeless friend. It’s a true story of how there is always another side to the story. You can read the reviews and buy it by clicking here.
How will you be determined to listen to the other side of the story as you gather with friends and family?
So true, Alene. I’ve been to several parties and feel like I’m watching myself from the outside. So much going on in my life, and I know some of the heavy loads my friends are carrying. It’s obvious that any light that shines through me ISN’T mine.
Love and hugs to you this Christmas :)