I can remember belting out “We Built this City on Rock and Roll” with all I had within me when it first came out. You gotta love that 80’s music. (Interesting fact, it’s since been dubbed one of the worst songs ever written by VH1, Blender Magazine, and AOL Radio.)
This morning I was at the gym working up a good sweat and this song came on my play-list. OK – it wasn’t Jefferson Starship it was the GLEE Club version. Not sure if that is better or worse?
Some of the lyrics reminded me about my trip downtown last Friday night to deliver hot-dogs, clothes, and blankets to people who needed help. I don’t know about you, but God speaks so loudly when I’m on the elliptical. (I think it’s because I’m in so much pain my brain is almost dead and quiet, so God’s voice can come through loud and clear.)
As the song was proclaiming “we built this city on rock and roll”, I found myself wondering what the people’s lives were built upon that I met downtown. I wondered what the circumstances were in their lives that led them to be homeless and hungry. Some admitted to their habits of drugs and alcohol. Others admitted to a life of joblessness and physical abuse.
The more the sweat poured today, the more intense my thoughts became. I started thinking if drugs, sex, violence, and rock and roll are what built this city, then what would it take for us to rebuild this city. Then all the sudden it came to me . . .
We’ll Rebuild this City with The Rock and Rolls!
The Lord ever so gently impressed upon me, that if we continue to hit the streets (GO to His people) and share THE ROCK – our Lord and Savior – and ROLLS — the bread we take them THEN WE CAN WIN BACK THIS CITY (souls) for Jesus!
We met many people on the streets over the weekend. It was a blessing to visit with them and help them however we could. But the coolest thing of all is when NINE of them showed up at church the next morning. It was appropriate we sang Forever topped off with a chorus of Hallelujahs!
Yep — We’ll Rebuild this City with The Rock and Rolls!
I think you are absolutely right!! The only thing that separates us from those homeless and hungry could just be one or two decisions that were made differently. Gotta take the Rock and the Rolls!! I'm thinking I just may need to come help you do that :)
Decisions can get us in all sorts of places—even the tiny ones—I always feel like I am a hair away from being homeless myself. I can see how it could happen for them.
You are such a blessing! I know you work with a group but you have a heart that is so tuned in to God's!!! I love that about you! Thank you for sharing about your weekend both here and your newsletter. I will be praying as you prepare for your Cinderella Me event!!
God Bless you lead you with His Love & anointing.
I always come away blessed when feeding the homeless.