Have you ever thought about the legacy you are leaving?
So many of think we’ll leave a legacy when we become famous or do something notable. But our legacies aren’t something that “will” happen, they are happening. You are leaving a legacy – a fingerprint of yourself – here on this earth every moment of everyday.
When I think of my legacy in that fashion – it’s breathtaking!
It’s also scary.
Every action and word that comes from me leaves a print here on this earth. I leave prints behind on my husband, children, family, friends, and even passersby.
It’s time you and I realize that we aren’t leaving a legacy — we are living a legacy! <—tweet that here.
Live a Legacy
To help you change your thoughts, here’s a download to help you claim God’s truth for your life. Download CHANGE OF THOUGHT here.
Our actions come from the thoughts we think.
What are you thinking? Have you ever thought about what rolls through your mind?
Chances are 70% of it is negative. That’s what psychologist tell us. That’s a scary figure.
To live a life full of meaning our thoughts need to be right and true.
Download this CHANGE OF THOUGHT handout and memorize the positive truth of what God says.
All things are possible.
God loves you.
God will direct your steps.
You are valueable.
You can do all things.
You are able.
You are worth it!
Would you say 70% of your thoughts are negative?
Are you willing to change that and LIVE out your legacy today?
I always knew I wanted to leave something..I just couldn’t put a word on it until I heard Nicole Nordeman’s song, “Legacy.” It spoke to my heart and brings tears to my eyes…each word had meaning to me. So, I thought that my Leagacy would be my children. I’ve worked tirelessly to do my best, instill moral integrity in them, and just be what I needed to be for them. And all along, knowing in my heart, that when I pass, whatever I did, the Lord would “bestow mercy down to the thousandth generation, on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:6)
What a grand thought… to LIVE your legacy. It never dawned on me that everything and everyone I come in contact with is imprinted by me. Thanks, Alene for this gem. It makes me more accountable for my actions, my words, and my expressions on a minute by minute basis. I wouldn’t want the imprint I leave with someone to be a frown!
Oh girl, I love love love that song. Talk about putting meaning to legacy! Love how you ended “I wouldn’t want the imprint I leave with someone to be a frown!” That’ll preach and it’s powerful! Joining with you in living a legacy.