Because I’m a story girl, I share stories around here. But I need to hear your story. Shoot, the world needs to hear your story, adventures and life lessons.
I hear from many of you who want to write or blog. I’ve encouraged you to write, but maybe you are procrastinating on giving birth to your creative idea or message. Something has you stalled, even frozen in your tracks. You hate to admit it, but you are paralyzed and afraid to act. You feel like you are drowning in your own sea of “what-if’s” and questions that haunt.
Questions roll through your mind daily:
What if my story is not good enough?
What will others think?
What if I fail?
These questions, I’m so familiar with. Last year I sat with an almost completed eBook. I regularly sat down to pen those last words and the “what ifs” would paralyze me. The questions were so loud in my mind it was deafening.
I would walk away shaking my head and afraid.
Afraid of the unknown.
Afraid of the process.
Afraid of being judged.
It’s true the saying, “paralysis by analysis.” Too much thinking stops all forward motion.
Five months ago, I had a mentor challenge me to step out and risk it all. She said the questions plaguing me didn’t matter. What mattered was that I complete what I had dreamed about — writing and being published. She urged me to write, find the resources needed, and follow the process even while I was still afraid.
I found Jeff Goins Tribe Writers course. This community and course gave me the step-by-step processes to follow to hone my message and voice. Finally those words that had been stored within my heart were being brought to life in story form that others would be able to read.
Although I had a lot to learn, specifically following the steps in this program helped me continue, and complete the process. I found courage I didn’t know I had.
I can boldly say, conquering my fears and taking a risk proved to be valuable. Seeing a dream born and a message spread was worth every skittish move I made.
Here are three reasons you should take a risk:
1. Risking opens the door for adventure.
When you step out afraid, you come alive. Your senses are heightened and you are continually on the lookout for what’s ahead. Let your curiosity lead you. You will discover yourself in the process.
When you begin to move in the direction of your dream, doors you didn’t see before begin to open. The unknown adventure becomes exhilarating.
You will soon enjoy the risky journey.
If that journey is about writing and sharing your journey, you can get an extra push now by registering for Tribe Writers.
2. Risking builds your confidence.
To step out and do something when you aren’t sure of yourself, you have to find the courage that is deep within and pull it out. The more you use your courage, the bigger your confidence becomes. [tweet that]
There’s no more hanging your head low in defeat, you can raise your head high knowing you are on your way to accomplishing your dream. Visualize your story being told.
Risk and you’ll find that courage and confidence you’ve longed for. You can begin your risk today with an unbelievable community at your side.
3. Risking is rewarded.
The journey to complete a dream is one of bold steps. Each courageous step you conquer is a reward in its self. Even if it is a baby step, it’s a step in the right direction. Shaky words you pen become paragraphs, which become pages, which become blog posts, and books.
Once you’re moving, you will notice the fear subsides. It’s because courage won. Risk is rewarded. As Cee Lo Green, former coach, NBC The Voice says, “The real reward is in the risk you take.”
I’m thankful for the risk I took. That once fearful notion of a book co-authored with a homeless man is now a published book on Amazon. Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street proved to me there were great reasons to risk. the Tribe Writers community helped that book go to #7 on the Kindle list the day it launched. Amazing!
If you are longing to be a published writer, take a risk and join Tribe Writers. The course is open now for the last time of 2013. Once your a member it’s a lifetime membership, so it will be easy for you to complete the steps necessary for that dream to come alive in 2014.
Do you know what is paralyzing your actions? What risks will you take to realize your dream?
Will you join me in Tribe Writers?
Great review and inspiration! Thank you!
“paralysis by analysis.” What a great statement! Thanks for encouraging boldness
How I find “me” in every wonderful statement you make! Both before taking the risk and after! A great post praising Jeff and the course, inviting others to come along and see the benefits themselves.
Oh Katina – I always love hearing from you! You bless so.