As I head off to speak this weekend to the Annaville Baptist girls at a retreat, I am amazed at how loudly God has been speaking.
Can you hear Him too?
This week I am hearing God loud and clear. It seems at every crook in the road, there He is whispering the same message to me. Have you ever had that experience?
You read your Bible and God speaks a sweet word to you. It’s not only a sweet word, but one you know He expects you to hear and obey. Obey! You ponder. You question.
You go to a church service and out of nowhere your pastor begins speaking the same word. God is stirring something within your heart. You know the word is for you. How did the pastor know?
You attend an end of the year appreciation banquet and you are in your happy spot. The leader begins sharing and there it is again —- those words from God! It’s hard to question any longer. It truly is a word to obey.
You visit with friends over coffee and WOW there are those words AGAIN!
Lord, I’m hearing you in surround sound this week. Help be OBEY!
I love how the Lord repeats a word in many ways. Sometimes I need to hear it repeatedly to get it is really for me. My 'Duh' moments! I am hearing and feel Him hovering over me. May God show Himself strong as you reach out to other women. Blessings, B
I love it when that happens! :)
Oooh! Tell us what you're hearing!
I'm hearing God a lot lately too. Mainly God is teaching me about faith – having faith when circumstances seem dismal and I don't feel like being optomistic.
Carrie @
Hi, Alene!
This is my first visit to your blog–love your passion for Christ!
Your post rings true in my life too. Its truly amazing to be attuned to the Lords whispers in His word.