I am so honored! My friend Michele is running a series “They Do Justice” this week and has asked me to contribute. You will love her heart, be sure to browse her website! Check out today’s post here. My post – I’m still blinking my eyes wondering how I got so lucky to be a part of this series!
Here’s a sneak peak.
Stepping out and serving others is an adventurous journey. A journey where you put one foot in front of the other taking such small steps of faith that often you wonder if you are making a difference.
While it is an exciting road to see where God will lead you to serve, it is also an interesting path navigating the thoughts of others.
Are you sure you should be doing that?
Aren’t you afraid?
That wouldn’t be safe for my children.
I could never do what you do.
How do you know what to do?
Should I involve my children?
For the rest of the post, you’ll need to click over to my friend Michele’s at A Life Surrendered.
I’d love to know your thoughts!
Will you and your children prepare to make a difference?
Loved it my friend! Thank you for sharing.
I left you a reply over at Michele’s. Hope you got it. Sure do want to hear more about that Christmas banquet for the Homeless. Blessings!
You are such an important part in my journey pursuing justice. I know God has placed you in my life as a mentor. I appreciate you and your heart so very much. Thank you for sharing such wonderful wisdom at my place today. Love you!
It’s been a treat to be part of the #doJUSTICE series. Glad to share a few tidbits of what I’ve learned along the journey in hopes to help another. Can’t wait to meet you in person. Our hearts beat the same!!
Alene, you have so much experience and such great insight! I’d love to see you in action sometime. (I mean with the homeless in Corpus, since I’ve seen you in action in Guatemala!)
Really great post. Good job!
Alene! You are so inspiring to me! I’ve always said/thought “my calling is not to the homeless” but since Giatemala and meeting you I’ve realized while that may be true in a big sense, ALL of us have a calling to ALL forms of help that is needed. I came home and made little bags to keep in the car for when I pass someone (non-perishable food and hygiene items) and then am reading your post where you suggest that- and reading very late I would add :) so thanks for THAT AND FOR BEING YOU. as I was picking my verse for the year, I kept hearing Micah 6:8 which is strange bc i had no idea why? and I tried to pick another one but just couldn’t so decided to just see where it led…. So far to Guatemala and a whole pile of fun new friends and experiences!