How is your summer going? Is it as peaceful and restful as you envisioned back in May?
I confess, mine has been anything but peaceful.
I feel like I’m in this rushing wind and it’s not the rushing wind where God resides and whispers. It’s more of a tornado wind one would feel as two semi-trucks whip past each other. While this is not bad altogether of itself, it is a stirring that has me flat out crying for rest and silence.
God created rest.
He created one day a week for us to rest. I’m not sure if your Sunday’s are your rest days, but mine are anything but. I wouldn’t trade the craziness of serving at an inner-city church but my soul still stirs for rest.
I normally have a day of rest within the week, but with teaching at church and online, it’s been hard to carve away extra minutes. The extra minutes that I do find are spent organizing Taking it to the Streets, a homeless ministry where we feed 400, twice a month.
God is heard in the silence.
I love that our Graffiti Summer ended with Silence Births Vision. That’s how I feel right now. I long for God’s vision and picture of my days ahead. I don’t want to rush through life carrying out my own plan. So, not only do I crave rest, my soul is longing for silence. It’s time to slip away from the chatter of the world and rest my weary ears and soul.
I long for more God and Me time. Not in a rushed fashion, but a sit-and-chat for as long as you want conversation.
With that said I will be slowing down here on the blog for a bit. You can still connect with me via my Step Over it Tuesday’s newsletter (sign up on home page) and my podcast (subscribe in itunes.) Another great way to keep up with the Living with Purpose Podcast is to download the app DownCast then you’ll have the messages right at your finger tips as soon as a new episode is uploaded.
I long for quiet rest.
Summer is my favorite time of year to sit still and just listen. While they say silence is golden, I long to hear God in the breeze, trees, birds, waves, water sprinklers and children’s giggles.
Will you join me in resting and listening?
If so, how will you spend your days differently?
What color is silence to you?
Lavender :)
That is a calming color. Just the thought is already brining peace to me. Thanks!
Yes! It became my favorite color when I found this super cute purple lamp at Marshall’s. I liked this lamp so much that I redecorated my living room purple/ lavender. So that color reminds me of being at home in my apartment God blessed me with. :)