Here we are one week from Christmas Day. The last Christmas of this decade. I’m not really sure how I’m feeling about that. Maybe like YIKES!! My life has been bombarded from all angles these past few months and these holidays are bringing all the feels! And from what I’m hearing, many of you are feeling the same — distracted, overwhelmed, down, and frazzled.
Months ago my life fell apart. One minute I thought I had it all together and then BAM! My life was forever changed. It was a crisis that made me realize life as I knew it was no longer an option. From that day forward it’s been a slow intentional tearing down and rebuilding. This is hard work people! So making holiday plans without the stress and hustle is my aim this year.
Some seasons come and strip us to the core. And that gets complicated when those hard days coincide with the holidays. Today I was reading an old piece I had written years ago where emotions were flying around from extremes — my hubby had received his Masters of Science in Management, my youngest daughter was battling mono and needed surgery, and my oldest daughter was hit by a drunk driver.
And reflecting back — we made it through.
We managed the holidays with all the wild happenings. That’s life, right?! And you might be clumsily juggling a bunch of “life” at the moment too. Thinking how in the world am I going to pull off Christmas in one week?
A friend asked me recently to find a song I had posted for him 12 years ago. (The song is linked at the bottom.) This timing couldn’t have been more poignant. Back then I had written about the wise men and the many questions I had regarding their journey.
Like how come they were the only ones that saw the star? What prompted them to leave? How did they know to take their best gifts? Did they know how long their journey would be? What did they envision; a King, a palace, people gathered all around, royal robes and crowns? Would they get to meet Him?
As I asked questions, somethings became clear. The band of scholars, better known as the wise men, were prompted and led by God to follow that star. The wise men knew the scriptures and what had been prophesied about the coming Leader, Shepherd, Ruler, Savior and Messiah.
Scripture doesn’t tell us if they were frazzled and worn-out during the season; they just saw the star and sensed the leading. They might not have been sure of every step they took on their journey to see the Christ King, but they knew enough to take along their best gifts. “We’re on pilgrimage to worship Him.” Matthew 2:2 MSG
Yes, these wise men were truly wise.
They were obedient to their call, didn’t forecast expectations of their journey and didn’t analyze every step they took. They simply just followed. I’ve been on enough long journey’s to know there are good and bad days traveling. And the fact that no one else was following the star didn’t stop them. That’s a foreign concept these days as social media has led us to believe if we don’t have followers then our journey must not be important. Oh friends, we’ve been duped!
We set ourselves up for failure when our expectations don’t match up to the real journey we’re on.
This has been eye-opening. If you’re going through a valley, set expectations compatible to that season. Don’t go scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram looking at all the gorgeous pictures of everyone else’s Christmas on the hilltop and think that’s what a successful Christmas looks like. It’s not!
Sometimes the best Christmases are the ones we sit silent by those that are hurting and just need company. Sometimes those that are hurting most are your own family. Christmas is not all about the decorations and flickering of lights. Christmas is about Jesus! Celebrating him by living our lives the way he lived his. Our lives are a pilgrimage to worship him.
When I forget to keep the most important (Jesus) – the most important, the season gets frazzled. When I haven’t been seeking him as I should that’s when the bustle of this season knocks me down.
Wise men and women still seek HIM.
So twelve years ago after I wrote about these wise men truly being wise, the next day a friend, Jonathan Ibarra, sent me a poem he had written as my words brought clarity to his thoughts. What a blessing to know something I’ve written as a reflection of my own thoughts helped another gain clear thought.
Jonathan’s written lyrics were turned into a beautiful song sung by Jackie Cole. I’ve listened to this song over and over this season. I surely need this reminder. Maybe you do too?
LISTEN HERE: Wise Men Still Seek Him
Used with permission by Jonathan Ibarra, Jackie Cole. Copyright 2008
That is all so true and the part that no matter what that he is always there for us even when we mess up. We all need to seek Him always thanks Jonathon for that.
Also, tell your daughters they are both going to be fine tonsils no big deal just ice-cream, popsiclees and all that soft stuff.
Both of my kids already did it.
see you soon.