Sitting at my desk reading through article after article soaking up valuable information in becoming a better artist with words I ran across a line from Jeff Goins that suddenly stopped me.
If you had one thing to say to the world, what would it be?”
One thing! WOW, that pretty much strips away all the fluff and condenses words down to what really matters. I was left scratching my head and wondering what would I say? What would you say?
Stop and think. If you only had a breath left — OK, that’s a little dramatic — if you could only write one thing ONE THING to help others what would it be? What would you write?
Surprisingly I knew almost instinctively what I’d say. It is part of my being, my heart, my passion, and hopefully what is conveyed through the myriad of artfully creative words and stories here.
You will come to know your purpose by serving others.” <— Tweet that!
Spending years longing to know my purpose and hours in the self-help sections at book stores, I can honestly say I didn’t “find myself” until I took my eyes off of figuring out me and put my eyes on others. The self-help information was valuable, but it didn’t bring me peace. I wanted to know my life would count for something, that I could really make a difference here on this earth. That ultimate peace of purpose only came when I began serving others.
I’m asked all the time, how do you know your purpose? Shoot, you might be asking yourself that question right now. And while I’ve taught lesson after lesson on the topic, I want to say “let’s take a field trip and I’ll show you how.” Believe it or not — your purpose is not about you.
If you are wondering how your life will make a difference? You will make a difference when you make a difference in somebody else’s life. It really is that simple!
I’d love to hear the one thing you’d say. Leave it in the comments!
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Thankful today for the reminders of this truth! Thank you Ann at A Holy Experience for encouraging me to stop and count the blessings.
277. the warm voice of an old man assuring me I was loved
278. the hands of those who bring necessities to babies on the streets
279. a gift of a bracelet that keeps giving
280. genuine smiles from a friend
281. tears that say it all
i’ve thought about that many times that one sentence I would say especially to my daughters. It would be I think,
Find the shoe that God has for you and walk in it with courage, love, faith and humbleness. Great post.
Love that Tiff! Shoes of courage . . . I could use those right about now.
Great post Alene!
Warms my heart always to see your bright sunflower in my comments. Blessings sweet friend.
This is why I love you.
Wanna share that with me every day? You’re more than welcome ;)
I read that last week, too, and have been thinking about it ever since. I am determined to come up with one thing, but need to search my heart longer. If that isn’t proof that I don’t know myself well enough yet I don’t know what is! ack!
Oh you silly girl — your one thing definitely involved “simply striving.” You bring that point to so many messages that it is pure heart-warming and truth! I think you know yourself better than you think…
That’s GOOD! So much truth in those 10 words. After living with cancer for a year, I think mine would be:
Do it today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Love those words! Talk about truth — there it is. And you have a story to back up that one message you proclaim. Thanks for stopping by and blessing us.
My message would probably be, “You are loved”
Lisa – that is perfect and a message that myself and many others need to hear over and over daily! Keep sayin’ it girl! Keep reminding me and others. What a gift!
Great question, Alene…I will have to ponder that…it will probably involve listening to God, and dancing to the unique tune He has picked out for you…trusting in His love…thanks :)