Just when you think you have the rhythm of your days all figured out and can make the most of your time – things change! Such are the rhythms — the pulse, beat and measure of life.
Graduation has come and gone. It was a fast paced season filled with many beautiful moments, but now summer is here. Yeah . . . my favorite! Summer . . . where schedules are more relaxed. There’s no more hectic mornings getting kids out the door and to school on time. Instead, it’s long days full of sunshine.
From as far back as I can remember, summer has always been a breath of fresh air for me. I love the sun, fun, pool, and beach. Just put me in the sun with a cool iced drink and a great book . . . and I’m good to go for hours. So the rhythms of summer have always been a struggle for me. Keeping a schedule and accomplishing tasks are not what my mind and body want to do . . . they want the sun and fun!
So eventually, I’ll end up frustrated trying to juggle writing, editing, photographing, teaching, plus all the responsibilities of home. It happens every summer, but one thing I can always count on, however, as my schedule gets out of hand is that come the end of July (we are in year-round school) things will get back to a routine – a rhythm.
Coming off this holiday weekend, spending time at the beach with friends, and not having a school schedule to jump start my routine, I already find myself fighting the rhythm of this season. As I got up to have my morning coffee and looked around to find my schedule (which I couldn’t find, ‘cuz oh yeah — I didn’t make one for this week!), a reassuring thought came over me, “OK, just fight through this for a couple of months then we’ll fall right back into rhythm, Alene.”
That comforting thought soon turned to full panic . . . as I thought I realized there are no more crazy high-school schedules in this house to help put me back on track. I can’t count on the kids school schedules to force me to get focused. This peaceful, easy rhythm will not be interrupted by another’s schedule this season. This rhythm will only change course by the conductor of this song. Hmmmmm, I’m realizing I’m the conductor of the rhythm of this season of my life. Oh my goodness . . .
Now that I’ve been jarred wide-awake, I think I’ll go seek the Conductor of all creation for the perfect rhythm for this season and time of my life.
Any suggestions?
Anonymous says
How great. Love the conductor of our lives. Elaine
Leah @ Point Ministries says
Hmmm, give yourself some slack for a while, then make a schedule like you would if you worked in an office. Would that work???