God continues to speak in surround sound. I’m hearing it loud and clear. As a matter of fact, I heard it again this morning . . .
However, I’m just not getting it.
It all started a couple of months ago when my schedule was quite hectic. I was teaching two Bible studies, writing a new study, speaking, and meeting with women. Of course, not to mention keeping up with the family and my photography commitments.
It was very busy and overwhelming on some days, but I just knew if I kept running the race REST was on the way. That is when God began imparting into my heart daily the word REST.
I longed for the commitments to be over. I longed for rest. But the funny thing is as my schedule began to free, I began to question why I needed to rest. First one Bible study was complete and I felt like I could breathe easier. Then another class was over and the weight on my shoulders began to ease. The writing was done and I began thinking, “Why did I think I need to rest? I’m feeling rejuvenated. Yes, I can keep running.”
That is when God began speaking ever so louder REST, REST, REST! It came through His words as I read the Bible, it came through devotionals I receive from others, it came through others speaking those words into my life. REST, REST, REST!
I was hearing it loud and clear. I heard it again today. “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28 NIV)
Strange though, I don’t feel weary. I don’t feel burdened. So, what is rest?
As I rest and pray for clarity, I don’t think God is saying to curl up in bed and rest. I sense it is a resting in Him, and a testing of my obedience. And I have to tell you, resting is hard for this girl! I like running. I like activity. Yes, I like being busy.
I’m learning that resting is hard work. Hard Work!!
Oh Lord, may I not only hear You say rest, but may I actually obey and REST.
Just as He calls you to rest, He called me to rest, by putting away, Threads of Hope. And in that Resting of those long hours of ministry, and writing, and such, He has given me time to reflect on why I need to leave my heaviest burdens, my wounds and my worries with Him, letting Him carry them, as He has wanted me to Rest upon His shoulders in this season. Thank you so much for affirming what He has told me to do, Alene.. You are a blessing, girl!
What a great post. I think sometimes we forget that we need to rest in order to preserve our natural energy for being great leaders!
I think sitting with the Lord nets more than we all know. Do what He says Alene and B and we may find our nets breaking with fish just like Peter did. Joining you in resting in Him. Blessings, B