I was sitting in service one Sunday wondering about some goals that I had set and how it was becoming seemingly harder to accomplish what I thought the Lord had put before me. I was at a stand still and it was becoming most frustrating. I was beginning to think I was on the wrong road!
If you have visited this blog very often then you know one of my favorite prayers is “Lord, give me CLARITY!” My friends all joke, “Alene wants us to pray that C word again for her.” As the message began that morning I was most intrigued because it was about vision, which is what I felt like I was lacking at the time. Ugh!
I was taking notes feverishly hoping that something would click and I could move on down the road toward my goals and then I heard the words from the Pastor “maybe you are being rerouted or on a detour.” That word rerouted kept playing through my mind. Was a reroute taking you to a different place? Was there a difference between a reroute and a detour? I didn’t feel like I was on a detour – I’ve done that before and that is excruciatingly painful! So, what was this thing about REROUTE?
Finally that night I got the trusty old dictionary out and was amazed at the definitions.
1. to route or direct (traffic, a road, a river, etc.) in a different direction
2. to change the direction of (a project, funds, etc.)
1. A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.
2. A deviation from a direct course of action.
3. To go or cause to go by a roundabout way.
Through the definition of those two words I got the clarity I was looking for — God was rerouting me! It’s no wonder my goals weren’t falling into place, He was sending me in a different direction. If he had only been as audible as my GPS, I could have heard Him saying “Recalculating. Recalculating.”
While I am still recalibrating and recalculating, I am enjoying the reroute! God is so good.
If you are frustrated in your travels with God, ask yourself if you are being rerouted or are you on a detour? Either way, it’s time to recalculate.
girl you speak my language. Especially with the whole reroute and detour. Coming from a pilots wife I know all about those two words. Honesty I'm in a reroute as we speak. Thanks for the encouraging words. I will have to go online and listen to Pastor B's sermon.
Tiffany – yep us pilot's wives can sure relate. Thanks for the encouraging words.