Rejection might as well be a four-letter word in my dictionary. It hurts. It stings. And it leaves whelps on the ol’ self-esteem and confidence. Ouch!
In my world of writing, I’m learning to keep the suave handy for the bumps and bruises. Just last week I got a couple more stings – rejections! Ouch again! Oh, they were nice rejections. They weren’t full of any four-letter words, even though it hurt like they were. But somehow even a nice rejection is still a reeee-ject-ion!
The silly thing is I actually got some great news for some incredible opportunities and even got a YES, but still all I could focus on was that rejection. I realize rejection will either make you better or it will make you bitter. Hummm? I get to choose. I do want to be better.
I want to be a better leader, a better writer, and a better communicator. All of which doesn’t happen over-night. Shucks!
John C. Maxwell writes in The 360 Leader, “The key to personal development is being more growth oriented than goal oriented.”
Well, I’m certainly being forced into growing. A dear friend told me this week I should save all my rejection letters. Before I could shout “ARE YOU NUTS!” she reminded me that those are a true sign that I’m accomplishing something. I sighed – True?
Rejection is never easy. Even as a child I can remember certain instances when I felt so rejected that it still hurts to this day. Actually, some days I could just throw a big pity-party over what happened years ago.
When I let myself get to that place I’m always reminded of what true rejection is – it’s being charged with a crime you didn’t commit, while your best friends betray you. It’s being spit upon, being called names, being stripped naked and mocked in front of multitudes of people. It’s being beaten with many blows and then being hung on a cross to die.
We can learn a lot about true rejection from the life and death of Jesus!
That’s true reeee-ject-ion!
Amazing that I let a little rejection letter get me down.
Nicely said.
Rejection is tough. The thing to remember is never give up.
Thank you for the positive outlook.
Hi Alene (((( Hugz)))) Yes ! rejection is not always easy, but as you put it so well my sister why should we be surprised. Our Lord was rejected many many times and so shall we in this world. But you know what those rejections you got are just stepping stones that you will use to build a pathway, and in God’s timing he will lead you to accomplish all that the he has waiting for you in his time. Lorie
I remember last Christmas when I received, yet another rejection from a publisher regarding my work. I’d held out a lot of hope with this particular group, and they perused my entire manuscript for over 6 mths. When I received the “r” word…I went to the bedroom, shut the door and asked my husband to keep the kids away.
I sobbed for quite some time and then heard a soft knock at the door. I could see some small fingers reaching underneath the crack in the door. It was my son and in his hands were 2 quarters. I opened the door and he said,
“Here’s my money mom. I will buy your book.” (even typing these words now brings me to tears…).
I quickly got over myself, and we went to wrap some presents.
I’m realizing that it is much easier to write a book then it is to get one published! You are in good company, new friend.
I may never see my words come to print, but I still hold out hope. And I certainly won’t stop writing. God has recently challenged me with this truth when it comes to my many words.
“Spend it now, elaine. Don’t save them for a better day. Today is that day and you are not promised tomorrow. Spend it now…”
Thanks for your truth that comforts my heart today.
Thank you for this post hit the nail right on the head, I choose to be better…
Your in my prayers…