I was and still am on a journey. This trip has begun to seem all too familiar when I have a chance to sit back and look at it. How could I be following in the footsteps of the Israelites?
For years I’ve wondered how the Israelites could gripe and complain on their journey with Moses to the Promise Land. I mean, come on! God was right there leading them by pillars of fire and smoke. And if that wasn’t enough, He was providing their meals straight from the heavens as manna and quail would fall from above. And yet . . . they complained!
A few months ago a precious friend, Alisa of Sanctified Together, contacted me and shared her dream of her online magazine (link to first issue). I was sold out. How could I not be? Her passion and enthusiasm of what God was doing was contagious. I was honored she asked if I’d write for her. WOW! I felt most blessed — well, I guess. OK – I was, but my actions did not confirm that blessing I’m sure.
Beyond her enthusiasm, what I remember as I look back was one day in this Israelites life. I began saying . . . “Yes, I love to write. . . I don’t like writing . . . I’m not good at grammar and editing . . . I really don’t want to write . . . why does God keep putting writing in front of me when I’d rather be with the girls speaking and teaching . . . I am not a writer like you are . . .” This is no joke! I said all that and more and it is a wonder she didn’t say NEVER MIND!
I continued thinking over the next few days, Why God? Why writing? You know I’m not good at this. I about failed English in school and I have no idea how to edit properly. Why God? Not writing, please!
Then I get a phone call from a dear friend, Laine, in Mississippi. She begins to tell me she has begun a magazine, WHOA Magazine , and the first print is coming out in January and get this . . . she’d love for me to write an article to be featured. I’m not sure if I said out loud the same words I did to Alisa, but I can guarantee you I was thinking them and questioning God.
We chatted for awhile and she began telling me how her weekly WHOA radio program had been birthed. She began sharing that God had given her a vision to have a television program some time back. That’s all she could see was TV. But then one day out of the blue due to some God-sized circumstances the radio station called and said “Can you get in here to do a show?We know your ministry and we’d love you to fill in for an empty hour we have.” She goes on to say she didn’t want to . . . radio didn’t figure in to anything she felt called to do. Well, she went in and that show has now become a weekly program that has allowed her to reach many more people than she dreamed possible at the time. It is also opening doors for other avenues, such as the WHOA magazine and get this – – TV.
It was quiet when she finally speaks, “Alene, do you get what I’m saying? I didn’t want to do radio. But through my obedience God has opened more doors than I ever dreamed possible in just one year. Alene, do you understand?”
There was a lot silence. I was crying on my end. She had no idea what my Israelite experience was at that point. But I finally squeaked out, “Yes!” I shared with her my journey about not wanting to write, but through her story I now see I must be obedient to what God calls me to do — whether I want to or NOT!
Oh Lord, forgive me for being a griping, complaining, and questioning Israelite! Thank you for showing me my wrongful attitudes through these beautiful friends. May I write in obedience to You, Lord, not questioning nor complaining. May I learn to rejoice in this journey.
God does throw us for loops doesn't He?! I am totally not doing what I thought I would be doing. I didn't even know what I am doing existed (not sure if that makes any sense)!
You are a great writer!!! Don't let satan tell you otherwise!!!
Loved it Alene! One of the things the Lord is showing me about the children of Israel is that they only saw His deeds (miracles, manna, etc.) but Moses knew His character (Psalm 103:7). So often we seek His hand and all the great advantages we get from knowing God, when we should be seeking after His character. The more we sit in His presence we are transformed into His likeness (away from all that complaining).
I'm praising God for your open door and your willingness to be obediant to His calling on your life. I look forward to reading more =)
Love in Christ, Nichole
Alene, I wrote about the SAME thing on my blog this week! Except I wrote about not wanting to speak!
God fasinates me!
Plus, I think you are a fabulous writer! I've heard nothing but good stuff about your article!
love ya, lady!!!
I love my visits here, I know you will do great. Praise God!
Thanks for sharing how our feelings sometimes, ok almost always try to block the new things God is leading us to do. Obedience is critical if we want to walk in God's best for our lives. We are definitely family with the Israelites! Write girl! b
Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Do you not agree that God's heart desires to SHINE THROUGH our Weaknesses?
God shines through your eyes, in your voice and is transmitted through the words He calls you to write.
You are blessed,
I am so glad that when I shake my head in saying " No, Lord, not "that", it is when He smiles back, and reminds me that He is God, and He gives me the abilty to do just exactly what He knows I am able.. and like you, writing is not my strong suit, nor do I always enjoy it – but yet my God knows it is a way to let out those secret things that keep me bound in the self centered, and painful parts of my life journey. Thank you , sweet lady, for sharing your heart..
ps.. you have reached into my spirit today, reminding me that anytime I shake my head in refusal, Gods awesome PATIENCE is still waiting for me to say " Yes, Lord, yes Lord, I trust You in this journey"..
I am another blogger who has felt exactly like you, asking God, “Why God?”. I didn’t believe that I had anything worthwhile to say. And up until very recently, I’d been extremely guarded about who I really am, thinking – if my readers found out, they’d know that I don’t have anything worthy to contribute to their lives. But I now know that this was nothing but that lying demon, you know… the one who tries to kill, rob, and steal so that we won’t ever get where God is taking us, where God so lovingly wants us to go.
I want you to know that I thank God for you – for being a light in a world of dim places. You’re fulfilling His promises, for what He not only wants for your life, but for the His light that he wants reflected throughout His world.
I’ve just read about 6 of your blog posts. I love your spirit and will be signing on to receive your newsletters. I mean, who can’t stand to receive a healthy dose of positivism everyday?
Woman, you rock!
I love your comment. I’m thankful you find inspiration and light here at this little bloggy place. Blessings along your journey.