It’s that time of year where you look around and everyone seems to have new goals and purpose. Aren’t you so happy for them? However, for many of us, it is not that clear. We wonder where we are going and what we are doing with our lives. It seems we have spent the past flailing around flapping our wings and getting nowhere.
We want to make a difference. Truly we do, but it seems the fog of life has blurred our vision.
There have been many changes in my own life this past year as we have ventured into the world of real estate, owning vacation rentals on the beach not far from here. (I’m excited to share more about the life’s lessons I’ve learned on this journey at a later date.) And there are many more changes coming this year with our first g-baby due in March, our oldest daughter getting married in April, and a military move for them around June. I stand at the crossroads of a new year and long for clarity of the journey ahead.
Are you at a crossroads where everything seems a blur? Or maybe you’re wondering where you are going or which way to turn?
If that is you, I’m sure there is a stirring within your soul that is haunting you like a cloudy fog. You’re watching everyone post their goals and dreams on Facebook and the confusion within your grows thicker. And then to make your sense of direction worse it seems everybody else has such distinction about their year ahead they can give it a specific word to guide them for the 365 days ahead.
Your purpose feels like a blur.
Among the fog of your questions you feel so lost. Lost in the fact that you can’t even see who you are, where you are, or even what you are called to. The feeling is quite paralyzing, but instead of feeling paralyzed use those moments for clarity. Use these days of the new year to take time to understand yourself.
Take some time to review.
Where have you been?
Where do you want to go?
What passion rages in you?
What do you long to see?
What excites your soul to the core?
Taking time to examine yourself from the inside out is one of the best ways to bring clarity back to your purpose.
It’s when life seems a blue that you should sneak away, spend time asking those hard questions, and then take note of what your heart beat is singing. As you look out, the world seems so big and even more questions arise, but do more than ask and seek . . .
That voice inside you that wants to cry for a cause or pound its fists for an injustice – that voice, listen to it. That voice that is saying it’s time to start that business, it’s time to listen. The urgency you feel to live healthier, spend more time with family, or travel — it is trying to speak amid the blur.
Your desires are trying to guide your soul. Once you listen and hear your soul, you’ll know which way to fly. You’ll see the real you and the passion inside. You won’t just see it – you’ll feel it.
If you are feeling the blur of life, carve out some time to ask those tough questions. Those questions can’t be answered on the run; no, they will only come when the quiet still voice of your soul has time to speak. Ponder them. Journal them. Reflect.
And remember,
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4
Oh how I’d love to know what your soul is singing!
Where are you headed in the days ahead? What is your soul singing? What big events are shaping your life this next year?
I have a blurred vision right now for a return to Guatemala. I’m praying for clarity and discernment. Will it be this year? Next year? When?
Hey Jon, we’d love to have you go with us this year. We are hoping to build a house in October in Guatemala. No firm facts yet. Love that your heart is Guatemala too. :)
Send me info when you can. Thanks!
I feel a strong pull to quit my job and pursue other righteous endeavors. Just have to make sure my husband is on board with that one.
Having hubby on board is always good. Just a reminder — righteous endeavors are all around no matter where we are. We just have to open our eyes to see them. I can’t wait to hear more about what you are thinking though!!!
I have no idea what this year is going to bring! I’m HOPING we don’t move. Again. In the three and a half years Mr. Sexy and I have been married we have yet to celebrate a holiday or birthday in the same house more than once! lol I’m actually very excited for this year because we are in a really good place with our family and finances.
Mercy!! That is a whole lot of moving. I thought we moved a lot in the military. :) Knowing that you are in a good place is so freeing. I believe you are going to have you best year yet. Welcome 2015!!