I remember their comments so vividly. Maybe you heard them too.
“Color inside the lines.”
“Brighter colors would stand out more.”
“This photograph needs to be sharper.”
“You have a gift for run-on sentences.”
“This writing would offend my wife.”
The gift of creativity sometimes does not seem so much of a gift.
It seems there is a nakedness to our soul that is exposed. With the creation or bringing into existence a piece of art for the world to see, the creator realizes that judgement, critique, and vulnerability come as well.
But there comes a day when after creating any piece of art, the artist must then be brave enough to show the art to the world exposing her naked self. {tweet that?} Because isn’t that our purpose — to create . . . to paint, color, and bring things to life?
Once the art is released from one heart to another, the creator stands back and waits wondering what will the world think. The artist knows these thoughts crazy, because this art — well, it’s really all about creating for an audience of One. But seemingly, the artist still envisions others sitting on a bench, pondering over this piece of her heart and soul. Her heart is unprotected and bare-naked. The nakedness of the artist soul exposed whether she is singing, painting, writing, sculpting, or gardening.
It’s such a bittersweet relationship the artist has to her art . . .
The love of creating with passion what has been born in her soul, coupled with the fear of exposing her art to a world who just might not understand. Will they get her heart? Will they understand her passion? Will they love her piece or critique it to death? All good questions and ones she’ll never know the answers to until she’s brave enough to present her art before another soul.
I wonder if this inner conflict is something God experiences daily as He creates. He creates a storm and you gripe because it’s too wet. He paints a pinkish sunset and you bow your head wondering where the yellows and oranges are. God makes you 5’2″ and you pout because you are not 5’9″. God gives you crazy-curly hair and you cry because you want straight hair like everybody else.
Oh my, Master Creator forgive my judgmental words of Your precious artwork.
I sit thinking about art as the grey clouds billow overhead, wondering if I’m brave enough to throw my heart and soul out for the world to soak up. I’m creating a new piece of art. A new ministry to love on others who feel unloved. It feels purposeful. It feels anointed. Oh my, will the artist (me – the scared one), be brave enough to open my hands and let the art into the world?
Are you brave enough to release your art, your life’s painting, into the world to feel vulnerable and naked? Oh how I hope so.
You can find a community of us over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s this weekend talking about paint, art, and life. Stop by and be encouraged.
Oh, goodness! What a challenge this is and how it expresses my thoughts of late. Thankful for your faithfulness, Alene and I am praying that you will be brave, just as you have challenged and encouraged us to be brave.
Thanks, Becky! You all keep me accountable to being brave. Even when I don’t feel like it or know I’m not.
Alene, your words resonate with me. It takes boatloads of courage to create and then share with the world. It takes vulnerability and faith. I want to encourage your brave heart to release your new “piece of art” into the world. We all know how desperately people need love! Blessings to you! Visiting from FMF even though I haven’t written my post yet. :)
Thank you for your encouragement girl! Yes, it is so hard. Fear of judgement, being different, and messing up plague my soul. :)
Your my FMF neighbour! I think that with this long drawn out winter that I have been able to appreciate the beauty in things more than I had before. We are all a piece of Gods art but we are also art critiques. Slowing down so we can see the beauty in the art really is revealing, which could be the true revelation that God has for us!
You catch my heart girl — slowing down to see the beauty in the art. Be still my heart — may I just SEE!
Wonderful Word and reminder. Thank you.
What a good reminder tonight…thank you. Happy Friday to you, friend! :)
Wonderful! I never thought of how I gripe about God’s handiwork, especially the handiwork of myself & others. Sobering thought. I am so glad I visited from #FMF. And I so enjoyed what you created here with your words!
Hey girl — you mentioned you added your link. I still don’t see it. Click on Eileen’s name above you here. See how her link comes up under her name. Maybe I suggested you add it in the wrong place. :)
LOL, I totally misunderstood you. I think I got it now. Thank you for your patience with me :)
Lovely. Just lovely!
Beautiful, my friend. I’ve missed you. I’m so sorry I haven’t been by more frequently. Always grateful for your friendship and pray for the day we can meet in person and by the hands and feet of Jesus together. Much love.
Love seeing you!!! Can you do Guatemala the end of September? Oh how I’d love that!!
Grateful for your encouraging words today. I often remind my kids that art is beautiful just because it is art. No teacher or critic should ever tell you that you are doing it wrong. Create from the overflow of your heart and God will make something beautiful of it.
Wow! Beautiful Arlene! Love coming to read your words. so powerful! Thanks for sharing!