Where are you on your journey?
All the above.
I sit here looking over the mentioned and I would truthfully have to say “all the above.”
I can’t seem to get my groove back since Guatemala. Maybe it’s because when I try to focus on the task at hand, I see their faces again. Though blurred in my vision, I see the children’s eyes and smiles. I’m stopped in my tracks.
I wonder, where they are or how they slept that night? I become anxious thinking of those kids running free on the streets. This mom wants to shout, “Hide! Don’t you know that people are looking for children like you to traffic and sell.”
And so my countless memories and thoughts tire and frustrate me. I doubt and wonder how this crazy curly-headed girl from south Texas could make any difference.
Then doubt kills.
Doubt paralyzes. When you become so locked up in your doubt of being better or doing more, thinking you are not capable, you are actually pointing your finger at Jesus and saying “you are not capable.”
Oh how I’m guilty. I doubt myself. I want help from friends. I seek knowledge from others. And Jesus whispers, “So, you don’t think I can work this out?”
But when I get it right.
Trust is a beautiful thing. Not the kind of trust that says I trust my gifts or talents, but the kind that says, “I surrender, Jesus, I lay it ALL in your hands.”
You step out and trust in your lack and God blesses you with an armful of His resources.
Recently, I stepped out to lead a ministry that helps those on the streets. With a nudging, I raised my trembling hand and said, “God I’m willing, but I lack . . . knowledge, resources, talents.”
God whispered back, “You lack nothing, if you have ME!”
So a step of faith was taken.
And a God of ALL knowledge, resources, and talents showed up to bless beyond measure.
And so I ask again . . .
Where are you on your journey?
If you find yourself doubting, stressing, frustrated, or fearing, the answer is to take a step.
God can not move you beyond where you are, until you walk out of the footprints of where you now stand. <—will you tweet that?
Will you take a step that says, “Jesus, I trust you to work this out because I lack no thing in YOU?”
What step will you take?
Wow. God is so good and so faithful and so fast. I had just whispered a “show-me-how-to-trust-in-this-area” kind of prayer when this post landed in my email. Take a first step…THANK YOU!
So thankful these words reached you in God’s time! I’d love to know about your step . . . what will it be?
Such a good post. Needed to hear it today! Thanks.
I can so relate to this Arlene. I felt this way after coming back from my visits when I adopted my kids from Brazil and Colombia. This is reverse culture shock.
A book which help me process a lot of my feelings is
“Re-Entry: Making the Transition from Missions to Life at Home” by Peter Jordan. I highly recommend this book to you. The first time I went, I returned in a daze.
After I read this book, each time after that when I’d go I’d write what they suggested. For example about writing about your experiences and the lessons you learned and how you felt when you returned. Writing about the specific areas and answering the questions they gave helps to process the experience in a positive way so you don’t feel so overwhelmed by it all.
Praying for comfort and wisdom for you. Here’s a cyber hug. I know it’s not easy to see such devastation to precious lives.
I’m so proud of you for obeying and stepping out!
Sounds like a great resource, Sharon. Thanks so much and the cyber hug was the best. :)
You wrote this for me, didn’t you, friend.
God’s really been pushing me lately. And I’ve been begging for a rest. Trying to step back. Wishing I could say no to what He’s asked me to do. Because I’m so weary!
BUT….here’s the but….silly me. Just because He’s asked me to do something, doesn’t mean I need to do it all by myself! He’s RIGHT THERE!
So I’m leaning in harder. Stepping on His toes when I need to for a lift. Holding His hand tight when He pulls me so far out of my comfort zone I can’t see it anymore…
and I’m sleeping easier at night. ;) {HUGS} love you, girl!
I love this! Very applicable and promise to share more soon! Thanks for sharing your heart!
I’m missing hearing from you! Can’t wait to have a little chat.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to readjust to life home after doing a mission trip. I’m sure it does leave you a little speechless for a while until you can process everything you saw. My heart breaks for those children that are kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking, it’s something new that the Lord has been laying on my heart to maybe get involved with, but I’m not sure yet in what way. I do know there is anger that burns within when I think of those innocent babes caught in the middle of something like that.
I’m trusting Jesus to show me what’s next, because your right-trust is a beautiful thing!
Beautifully said. Thank you!
You are so on track with where I’m at in my journey, to step out YES !! those poor children, my heart cries for them, you are such a great speaker and teacher, my book has not arrived yet, but I am too thristy to let that keep me back, I will catch up, I need and want this too much not to, Thanks Alene
Thank you so much for those inspirational words. Yes, I know where I am at on my journey, but there’s always something holding me back. For me it could be pride, frustration, fear and doubt in myself and God’s ability. And yet in the end God always comes through for us!!! He even died on the cross for our salvation.