I’ve written about interruptions this year as we’ve looked at Stop for the One. I’ve shared that interruptions can be blessings and how phone interruptions stump us.
But interruptions are just that interruptions – as I say in my podcast, the word interruption itself sounds like an interruption. Say it out loud. See?
While I’m focusing on stopping and being in the moment, it seems that there are more and more opportunities.
Last week I was running to a meeting. I was going to have to leave the meeting to run home and log in to teach my online study group.
Notice all the running I was doing
. . . I think that’s when we miss a lot of God opportunities.
I was proud of myself as I walked to my car looking at my watch. I had managed to leave right on time. I wouldn’t need to speed (thank goodness because I already had a ticket that week) Driving out of the church parking lot I was preparing my mind for the lesson I was fixing to deliver when all the sudden I see a speeding truck flying in.
I stop not sure if the truck is going to hit me.
The big truck stops abruptly and the window rolls down. A man wants to know if there is a Pastor inside. I roll down my window while shaking my head no and let up on the gas to take off — I have a class to teach!
The man starts speaking loudly to get my attention “Ma’am. I’m very disturbed. Please I need a pastor. I need someone to talk to.”
My thoughts at this time are not centered around stopping for another. I’m thinking “Seriously sir, it’s 8pm, were you really expecting a pastor to be here. I have a class to teach. I don’t think they will appreciate me not showing up!”
The man gets out of his truck. My first thought was “is this safe.”
My first thoughts were all about me. How sad?
But somewhere in his eyes I knew I was supposed to stop and listen and help. My silent prayer was “Lord keep me safe as there is no one around and Lord make time stand still.”
After minutes of fumbling around trying to figure out how to best help this man. I was able to hear part of his story. His eyes told of his desperation and need for help. I made a few phone calls and got an appointment for someone to see him.
Making sure he had everything he needed, he was most gracious for me stopping to help. As I begin to drive off, he tells me . . .
If you don’t mind I’m going to stay right here on this property until I get help. This is the most peace I’ve felt in days!”
When God puts people right in front of us, why is it we still want to rush on by?
Why do our eyes not see beyond our appointments, to-do’s, and daily agenda’s?
Do you have trouble stopping for others?
It is so hard to get over those ingrained fears. Like “Don’t stop and pick up a hitch hiker” “Don’t stop for a man”. Those kinds of things that were told over and over to us in our youth to be a safeguard, have become a hindrance, as well.
I hear you girl! Maybe that’s the reason why many didn’t stop for the one laying by the road in the story of the Good Samaritan. We have become so desensitized to others.
Sometimes, the hardest part of being a follower of Jesus Christ, is the stopping, and the listening – it is much easier to share things verbally with those like that gentleman who was hurting, than it is to stop, and really, really listen to someones heart, where even the quietest pain is waiting to be let out.. Jesus did that with us – in our brokenness, He stopped and really, really listened to us when we call out to Him.. That is the person I want to be like when someone stops me in my running, and just needs a shoulder, and someone else’s willing heart to hear their pain.
Karen – so true! Stopping and listening these days are becoming a lost art. Thanks for this beautiful reminder. One of the most important needs of all human beings is to be listened to, which of course shows we see them and we care. Also shows Christ love.
I loved hearing the story with more details.
And I loved that you were so caught up in the world of being His hands, His ears, His heart, that HIS MESSAGE shone through so amazingly on Thursday evening.
Praise HiM!!
Girl – you bless me. Thanks for the encouragement because I felt pretty frazzled for the first 10 minutes. I was having a hard time shaking off his look of desperation and need. Looking forward to this Thursday. Hope to see you there friend.