Playing piano while I grew up taught me a lot about rhythm, just as being in band taught me a lot about different parts. There was no need to wonder what part you were to play, it was spelled out for you written measure by measure.
As each of us struggles to know our part and what we can do to make a difference, it is great to think of life as a musical.
What would the dance of your life resemble?
A Concerto, Sonatina, or maybe a Symphony? Hip-Hop, Rock, R&B?
These precious words stirred my soul over at Nikki’s at Simply Striving, she writes she was —
Frantically searching for how to achieve life’s perfect tempo. Digging through my mental calendar at what I could cut out, slow down, put on pause.”
My heart danced as if it had just been asked to join in a Texas two-step! I want that perfect tempo. That perfect rythmn and pace that brings a smile, not to mention peace.
How could I find that beat?
The sure beat I was longing for would only be found if I walked each day out to God’s tempo. I can’t walk out my life to somebody else’s song. I can’t copy another’s dance. I have to dance my own dance.
Have you ever noticed that God’s tempo can just get a little crazy at times? Fast. Slow. Loud. Soft. However, I like a steady tempo. One that is planned out and organized. Scheduled. Controlled.
I’m realizing that God likes a melody, full of rests, staccato’s and full notes. Dynamics! He like crescendo’s, allegro’s and even the small whispers of a serenade. He orchestrates through solos, duets, and even trios. He asks us to dance alone and help others at times. He beckons us to ask a friend to join us on the journey at times, while other days He wants the whole community involved.
God has conducted a slower medley for me this summer. One full of rests to enjoy family and friends with some whole notes in good measure.
Beyond the intermission of summer, I’m sensing God leading an orchestra of triple notes and staccato’s for the Fall.
Oh, how I love a great melody and dance.
What beat does God have you dancing to this summer?
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Oh girl, I have to confess to you. I had been praying you would turn your comment on my post into a blog post! Because I so needed to read it. Thank you!!
Keep in mind I’m a piano teacher, so I could talk about this all day. But the funny thing is–I haven’t even learned the lesson yet! God’s been showing me this summer that I’ve been trying to compose my own masterpiece for this humble life I lead.
I’ve ignored that He is the Great Composer. And He has a masterpiece in mind for me.
I’m striving to keep my eyes on the score. Because I know if I do, I can play this piece He has written for me. He’s given me all I need to finish it strong.
Thanks for reaffirming what He’s been trying to show me, friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.
love ya!
Love this Nikki — God’s beat is certainly different than what we’d prefer to march to half the time. I love your imagery — thanks for the words.
“God has conducted a slower medley for me this summer. One full of rests to enjoy family and friends with some whole notes in good measure.”
This post is beautiful. I love the analogy here of finding “our part” in this world, finding where we’re called to serve.
This is why I love choral music. It’s amazing when the multiple parts with different notes and different beats abide by the same rhythm and the many voices come through as one. One voice.
I pray you have a beautifully slow summer with family and friends.