As I talked about on the previous post, there are things to learn by taking the time to reflect back on your life. I am reflecting back on a decade, but the last year really captivates me. Probably because it is still so fresh.
As I set off somewhat focused on my goals last year, it didn’t take long before God put someone in my path to remind me to check on how I was doing. Reality stinks sometimes! Don’t you just love God’s sense of humor.
I kept trying to stay on-purpose, focused and running after those goals, but it just seemed my year was off to a stressful start. Learning how to care for myself became a challenge as I fought facial blemishes. Crazy, I know!
Our lives seemed rattled and shaken as God called us to change churches. It was an adventure and we wondered if we’d make new friends. Getting out of our comfort zone was hard, but watching God move was amazing. My son was growing into an incredible worship leader for Element and my daughter was looking to serve where God was calling her.
Through the transition I realized that it was so easy to fall back into a rut of keeping my eyes on myself when I was forced out of my comfort zone, but God was good to continually remind me that my life was to be lived for others. Sometimes those reminders came in the strangest of ways.
Then sometimes it just takes friends to get us fired up to run the race before us. Having friends that are moving intentionally toward their God-given purpose fires me up. Hanging out with them challenges and inspires me. I leave feeling encouraged and spurred on! What a blessing.
Fighting my natural tendencies is an every day challenge. Seriously – overcoming myself is a challenge! Had it not been for friends who gently prodded me on, I would not have been able to complete my second book. The pilot group was amazing and I was blessed beyond measure.
If you are like me you start the year running hard after those newly penned goals, but as the year rolls on the urgency and burden of those goals seem to fade with each passing day. I continually need motivating. CONTINUALLY! I love the signs that God puts in my path to remind me of Him and those goals.
Finding the balance each year and each day can be a challenge. Remembering to stop and thank others you have blessed you, pausing in the chaos of life and serving others are all vital to a vibrant, Spirit-filled life.
These are just some of the things I’ve learned from reflecting back. What are you learning?
Leave a comment and be entered into a random drawing for the A Women Inspired Conference held ONLINE January 25-29. Five tickets will be drawn January 9th. ($12.95 value each) Join us in your pj’s with a hot cup of coffee. It will be a awesome tool to get you going ini 2010.
You're a beautiful soul, Alene, and I love your transparency and authenticity! You're a blessing.
What have I learned as I reflect? Not to let life's distractions and worldly demands keep me from what matters eternally and the things I can do and be everyday that have kingdom value.
When I take my eyes of Jesus I'm a complete mess (sinking like Peter), when I fix my eyes on Him, He blesses me beyond measure… apart from Him I can do nothing.
BTW~ I'm signing up this weekend for your Monday night Bible study "I'm a Fixer Upper". God spoke loud and clear to my soul this week and I can't wait for the class!
Hello friend,
This year was the year for me to learn about the silence of God and how He is not really, truly silent. When He is quiet, He is still working–and often in huge ways.
Alene God's words to me as I was pondering the new year was this…How many people can you touch? It took the focus off ME and into His heart for me. He wants sharp instruments to use at His will. He is changing my thoughts on speaking engagements. There are so many dark places and the Lord is asking, "Who will go for me?" I am trying to leave the comfort or maybe stagnation is a better word of the typical way I think. Will I go where God wants me to go or will I wait until He opens the kind of door that is comfortable for me to walk through? B