It’s New Years Eve. It’s a great time to look back, then prepare to leap ahead.
Look back and count your blessings. View your progress. Every year I sit down with my year ends calendar and review the last 365 days making note of the blessings, progresses and failures.
January 1 puts a fresh wind in my sail. It’s a perfect time to plan and purpose for the year ahead. A great read to help you find that purpose is Get A Life by Reggie McNeal. My 2009 goals are written. I’ll lay them before God and begin stepping forward.
How about you? Are your 2009 goals written out? Do you have a daily plan for accomplishing them? Are you on the right track mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, relationally, etc.?
“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” Galatians 6:4-5 MSG
I’d love to know your goals and what you will sink yourself into next year.
If you need an accountability partner let me know. I’ll encourage you each step of the way.
2008 was amazing! I’m sure God is waiting to bless your socks off in 2009.
I hope that 2009 will be a blessing for all of us. Setting goals is a good thing. I haven’t thought about setting goals for this year, maybe I should.
God’s Word is always given at the right time,that verse spoke right to my heart!
This year will be the first year I have set goals. So,here they are:
My relationship with the Lord would go to the next level.
I’ve made a commitment to read the Bible in a year with Wendy Pope’s blog.
To focus on God’s purpose for my life in the ministry of abortion recovery.
I would love to have you as my accountability partner. You words always encourage me and I believe you will speak the truth when it’s needed.
God bless you,my friend
I have so enjoyed reading your blog during 2008 and look forward to even more fellowship during 2009!
God bless!
Wow that verse very much expreses what God has been doing with me over the last year.
Happy New Year Alene!
Happy New Year!
I like the paraphrase of Gal. 6:4-5. I’m still working on my goals. I have some down on paper, some in my mind. Praying…Pondering…will type them up tonight. Then lift them up to the Lord for HIS will to be done.
Engrafted by His Grace–
Hey Alene!
I’m working on writing out my goals. It’s been a bit crazy with us being out of town still, but this week is focusing time! Of course, you know I’ll share them with you and encourage you in yours. God has greater things in store for us this year. We will be amazed even more in 2009!
Thanks for your prayers for my family.
Love you my friend!
Happy New Year Alene! My main goal is to memorize more Scripture this year and to seek Jesus above all else.
Happy New Year Alene. I have an award waiting for you at my site in honor of the cultural, literary, ethical, and personal values that are found within your blog! Come pick it up!
Much love,
Hi girl,
My goals are to follow hard after Him, stay faithful to the last word I heard from Him, seek His wisdom above all else and offer myself as a living sacrifice to Him!!
He is worthy!!!
Hey girl,
I’ve got huge goals this year. One of them is to write a book or devotional for women that have husbands that fly or in the service. Been there and done that and going throught that.
Also to revamp and renew the womens ministry at my new church. I’ve been asked to come on board and one of my strongest desires and goals is to follow Gods leading with speaking or leading a womens retreat or group. It has been something I’ve always wanted to do.
My goal is to make it 365 days without hair anywhere and show God thru not having hair to everyone I meet wherever I meet them.