It was an early late-summer morning and there was so much to do. I almost skipped the whole shower scene and just dabbed on a load of deodorant, but I didn’t. Don’t be grossed out, you know you do that on certain days too! :)
The water was steaming and helped release the stress that had been building. I was thanking God for so many wonderful things and asking for clarity in certain areas. And somewhere between washing my hair and conditioning God spoke loud and clear.
After decorating two beach properties we had recently acquired (more on that in another post on another day), I agreed to help a friend redecorate a beach property he had recently purchased. It was a blast and I had so much fun. I was in my element. The finished product made me smile and beckoned me (and hopefully others) to come and relax there.
You’ve found another calling.
I messaged the owner once the remodel and updates were done letting him know. I sent him to the website to see the new decor, plus the photo’s I had taken.
He loved it, which was music to my ears. Adrenalin rushes when creating something and wondering how others will respond. It can be words, pictures, paintings, ministries or even decorating. It’s raw, vulnerable, and scary (much like writing here.) Yes, you readers make me nervous!! :)
My friend eventually responds, “I think you’ve found another calling.”
That one sentence messed me up. Messed. Me. Up!
My thoughts were like, Hmmmmm NO I only have one calling and that is serving God’s people on the streets. Don’t you know this is just a hobby. God called me to the streets. And BTW, I didn’t find my calling it found me.
After a few minutes of crazy in my head, I realized it was more about a gifting. God has gifted me with creative communication and being a story girl. So if I’m writing, taking photos, speaking, ministering or decorating my soul longs to tell a story.
There’s only one calling.
For days I pondered callings, “another calling,” giftings, and talents. I was trying to make sense of it all, just as I’d been trying to make sense of my life. What did it all mean?
After study and prayers about callings and “another calling,” what God spoke to the weariness of my soul was that there is only one calling.
Yep, that’s it. One calling.
Follow Jesus. Where ever you are. Whatever you are doing.
There are hurting souls every which way we turn. And when I’m focused on what I deem my “one calling” serving on the streets, I’m so missing out on the big picture of the calling of Jesus — to be His salt and light to a hurting world where ever I might be.
Shower breakdowns are refreshing!
Rinsing my hair and feeling God’s presence so thick, I realized I had been looking at life all wrong. I love being involved in much, and continually pray that I’m smack-dab in the center of God’s will. But truthfully, many parts of my life don’t make sense. These nonsensical pieces — the difficult to express are what I think we need to be talking about.
Sometimes life just doesn’t make sense. Maybe you want a baby more than anything and you are dealing with infertility. Maybe you have a degree, but can’t seem to find a job in the field you have studied. Maybe you serve the homeless and it just feels wrong that you are so blessed. These pieces of life — they are messy!
I’ve always said, my life is more like a mosaic than a puzzle piece because many pieces don’t fit together all nice and neatly. Maybe yours is too?
I’d love to hear from you: Do you have pieces of your life that don’t make sense? Are you looking for your “one calling?” If you are confused as I was, let’s wrestle this out. Together.
Lovely thoughts. I’ve often said the same thing about my own life. I see it more as a mosaic too. And sometimes you even have to stand back and look at from a distance in order to begin seeing the bigger beautiful picture being formed. Love this. “So if I’m writing, taking photos, speaking, ministering or decorating my soul longs to tell a story.” It’s all woven together.
Glad to know there’s another mosaic girl out there. :) I love how you say standing back at a distance helps you see the bigger beautiful picture. That’s so true of the mosaic. Not sure if you’ve ever put together a mosaic with mortar and all, but it’s messy. Just like life I suppose.
Agree that sometimes ones calling finds them. Exactly! In my case it’s volunteering with NOMADS, a mission of the United Methodist Church. Methodist all my life – never heard to them. I join a camping organization and my first magazine there it was – an article about NOMADS. Starting our 6th year on the road.