18 LONG hours later we arrived at Kandahar ski resort at Taos Ski Valley. As we made our way up the mountain to our lodge a snow storm came out of nowhere. We could not see a thing – that is NOTHING! Our truck got stuck and I’ll admit I was not happy. (Remember now I’m your 80 degree weather kind of gal.)
Lesson One – Storms will appear out of nowhere in life. They don’t have to register on the radar, yet it is how we handle them that will benefit us on our journey.
After some kind mountain men came and pulled our truck out of the snow, we finally made it to our cabin. This south-Texas 80 degree weather kind of gal was wearing high heeled boots (aren’t those a must for any ski trip) and a blue jean jacket. Not so zesty. My family told me to stay inside as they unloaded the truck. Hmmmm – maybe that didn’t work out so bad after.
Lesson Two – Always dress appropriately for where you are GOING, not where you’ve been. You don’t want the people at your new destination looking at you like you are crazy!
We rested our first night after such an ordeal. At the break of the new morning everyone was up and ready to head out early to conquer the slopes. Well, everyone but me. I don’t care for skiing, so I hiked the slopes with my camera. Loved it! That’s why there are no pics of me. I swear I was there. Oh, I also tended the fire – had to have a fire!!! Good thing I was a Camp Fire Girl.
The family hadn’t skied in four years. But isn’t it like riding a bike – “once you learn you don’t forget.” I couldn’t wait to hear their stories of waht happened on the slope. To my surprise my youngest was not having a good day. It went something like this:
I’m so glad to be here. This is the life. Aren’t I cute?
I think I remember how to do this. My ski’s are supposed to be like pizza slices or french fries.
Ok, I think I have this. Oops, oh no – maybe I don’t. Help!
Seriously, I’m OK. Mom, put the camera away. Can somebody, please, come help me?
Lesson Three – Relearning something you haven’t done in awhile is NOT just like riding a bike. The things you want to improve at, you better practice daily.
Part two of Lessons I Learned from the Ski Trip coming soon to a blog near you.
It was an amazing time!
Great lessons. we are going skiing this weekend. I'm with you, don't ski, I take pictures, read by the fire and drink hot drinks. Some one has to watch the gear and take pictures.
See you soon!!