I’ve watched from a distance as others counted. I’ve read the counts. I’ve admired the lists. For 257 days I’ve been in awe as others counted. And I prayed “Lord, teach me to count!”
I’ve learned to count silently, in my head or rather in my journal. I lay my secret lists out before the Lord in thanksgiving. Daily I celebrate the Lord’s goodness. But then God grabbed my heart through the Psalmist David.
I’m thanking you, God from a full heart.
I’m writing the book on your wonders.
I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy,
I’m singing your song, High God.
Psalm 9 MSG
If I’m writing a book on the wonders of God, then what good is it if the book is not shared. A book unopened can’t make a difference in the world. A silent book is of no good. And by the way, whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy over all you have to be thankful for are better when shared with a friend. The goodness becomes magnified!
So while I’ve watched others count and counted myself silently, God has stirred my heart to count a loud this year with Ann at A Holy Experience. Joining the Joy Dare, To count out loud, to document, to write a book of my blessings. There are many and how dare I take them for granted and not give thanks.
2012 holds many blessings and I hope to capture 1000 of them, right here in this book of God’s wonders.
1. the blessing of saying Happy New Year with family and friends
2. an automatic coffee pot
3. friends who speak truth into your life
4. celebrating the engagement journey with my son and his finance’
5. a church that minsters to the broken, lonely, and homeless
6. my Canon camera
7. my daughter’s 24th birthday
8. a hot shower
9. an open door to have Bible study in the County Jail Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
10. open, authentic hearts
11. a fresh Word that penetrates the very being of my heart
12. the book “A Tale of Three Kings”
13. the words “you have such a way of relating to people”
14. my planner
15. the homeless man I get to worship beside
16. hugs and smiles from new friends
17. the voices of 12 girls raised in worship at the Annex
18. the warmth of the sun
19. my new wall art inscribed with the words of Mr. Bobby, a homeless so-journer
20. a quiet day to reflect and read
21. siting by my husband and daughter in service
22. ice-cream cake
23. friends who journey with you in good times and bad
24. a song that draws me into the still with God
25. the SITS girls who are helping me learn more
Good for you. So glad you are taking this journey! Loved reading your list today. So many beautiful blessings.
I love this post! Just last night in the wee hours, I found myself on someone's blog and read her post–it was almost like this. She dared us to join her in counting 1000 gifts. I ran out to get the book this morning–no luck, I wanted to read it based on her decription, the clerk at Barnes and Noble said it was a very popular read!!! As I mentioned before– I'm not a big spiritual person, but I am most grateful for all that I have and have been given. Thanks for sharing.
Barbie – always love it when you stop by. They are such beautiful blessings and need to be captured for the moment. Blessings friend.
Cinnibonbon – great to hear from you again. I stopped by the other day, but couldn't leave you a message. You will love the book. It is a must read. It is also so therapeutic to count our blessings and gifts. We have so many, if only we stop and recognize them. Love your heart.
Hi Alene, Lovely post. Since the end of last year I have wanted to start on a gratitude journal. Seeing this post reminds me to take the time to reflect & do it. Visiting & following you from Sits31dbbb. I look forward to my visits here.
Theresa, thanks for the follow. I love to journal my thoughts and I even keep up with gifts and praises, but I figured this was a great way to stretch me! Seems I'm doing a lot of stretching lately. Look forward to our challenges ahead at sitsgirls!
A book unopened can't make a difference in the world. A silent book is of no good.
Er.. I am grateful that I have I book (door) and I'll get to opening it soon! :D
This is my first time too! So fun! So beautiful! Love being on this journey with you!
Beautiful, beautiful list. Can't wait to read more. Got your email. Will take a look later today. Love you and thank you.
Love your list. I am glad you are letting "the goodness become magnified!"
"Lord, teach me to count!" What a beautiful prayer! Such a great start to your counting, so many wonderful gifts. Open, authentic hearts… love that. What a blessing to be beside your husband and daughter in service. Such a gift!
So fun to "meet" you through Ann's place! Thanks for your kind encouragement on my blog post!
Jennifer – yeah! We can learn to count together. Leah – thanks for the follow up. I feel so blessed. Erin, Jennifer, and Elizabeth – you encourage me so! Thanks for the extra counted blessings.
I did a "Count Your Blessings" activity with the residents where I work. What a beautiful thing it is when we stop for a moment to recognize how richly we are blessed.