“Generous in love—God, give grace! Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record. Scrub away my guilt, soak out my sins in your laundry.” Psalm 51:1-2
It’s Monday and laundry day at my house. Over the years, I’ve sorted, folded, and stacked more shirts, pants, socks, and underwear than I would have cared to. I’ve even found articles of clothing that weren’t dirty in the dirty clothes hamper. Humph – silly teenagers!
As mundane as the laundry is, I try to give it spiritual value. You’re probably asking can doing laundry really be a spiritual experience. Yes, it can!
Use the wash process for a time to thank God that He washes you clean and blots out your sin. He is the true Launderer who never tires of doing your laundry. He does wash everyday. Hallelujah!
It’s time to go put another load of wash in – and chat with God!
Ministry Leaders – if you are looking for great Bible studies for this Fall, the study Dirty Laundry Secrets – A Journey to Meet the Launderer, as well as the other studies I have written have had great impact on women.
Great idea…using laundry time to pray. I use my exercise time as my prayer time. Jesus and I should be in very good shape after all these years of walking and praying. bless you my friend.