After a few emails back and forth with a dear friend, I was reminded of the first huge step I took on this journey to serving others outside of my comfort zone. It was not a pretty step, but it was a step!
Can we all admit it, serving others is hard?! While our culture screams “it’s all about me, it’s all about me!”, Jesus sweetly whispers “it’s about them, it’s about them.” And there we are caught in the middle of this battle.
One question I get often is “but how do you step out and serve the broken, Alene?” And then the conversation usually ends with “this is so easy for you girl, you’ve got it down.” So, I thought I’d take today and clarify the myth that I know what I’m doing. I don’t, the truth is I JUST SHOW UP.
About 2 1/2 years ago when God began wrecking my heart for serving “the least of these,” I had no clue where to go or what to do. My argument with God was much like, “God I’m serving your people and teaching so much in the church I have no time to serve anywhere else. And besides God, I wouldn’t even know what to do or where to go.” My heart ached becasue I knew God was doing something new, but I had no idea how to step in to it and go.
This specific morning it was pouring rain here, which is unusual. I had meetings and errands to run. As I set out for the day I prayed, “God I have no idea where you are calling me to serve, so will you just put someone in my path that I can bless.”
I had to run into the mall to meet my daughter and as I headed down a small hallway I noticed a few homeless men sitting on the bench, cold and wet. Instantly my heart knew I was to bless these men. Luckily, I had just read Jen Hatmaker’s book Interrupted and she explained how people just want to be acknowledged and talked to just like you would talk to anybody else. My heart was beating fast. I knew this was the opportunity I had prayed for.
As I came down the hallway I walked over to the bench where the men were and said, “Hi! How are you doing today?” And with that I froze. People – I froze. Not another word came out of my mouth. I just stood there looking like a buffoon I’m quite sure! And inside my head were these thoughts:
Alene, say something! You know whatever you say and do it’s as if you are doing it for Jesus, and here you stand speechless. Say something!
And I couldn’t. Not one other thing came out of my mouth. As I turned and walked away, the thoughts in my head were intense:
Alene, seriously God provides you with an opportunity to love others and you stand there. Jesus, I’m so sorry. Jesus, you were there and I missed an opportunity to serve you. I’m so sorry!
While I continued to beat myself up and remind myself how disappointed Jesus must be in me, one of the men hollered out:
Ma’am, you need to know I love you!
Others around might have been wondering what was going on, and you might be thinking the same thing. But let me tell you the peace that came over me when that man spoke out, it was as if Jesus were trying to tell me:
It’s alright. I know this is all new to you. So you froze – I still love you. I’m so proud of you for stepping out!
And there my friends was the first encounter of me trying to step out in to this new place Jesus was leading me. It wasn’t pretty. It was awkward. Was I successful – it seems a big NO would be the answer; however, I’d say because I stepped out and tried I was successful.
It’s all about the baby steps we take in obedience. I’ve taken many more since that day and with each scary step I take, God blesses me abundantly! Check out these steps:
Down the Street Under a Mesquite Tree
Have you thought about where can you step out into obedience today? Do you feel God leading you somewhere today that you are unsure and afraid of? I’d so love to hear about it!
If you’d like more stories about taking baby steps to serve others, be sure to download my eBook Graffiti – scribbles from different sides of the street.
I’m not sure what God is asking me to do right now, but He has certainly showed me where I’ve refused to walk in obedience in the past. It is a valuable lesson as I keenly aware of how my hardened heart was dictating life and how I passed up an incredible blessing in place of my selfishness and fear. Now I found myself approaching the Lord with humility and a determination to obey quickly today.
Lisa – I love that — a determination to obey! Boy that’s what it all boils down to and I too spent soooo many years living for myself and in the most selfish of ways. I’m not sure where God is calling you, but I do know when you step out there is incredible blessing to be found in the obedience — even when it doesn’t make sense!
Oh, I LOVE it!!! I love how he yelled out that he loved you!! Isn’t that just like the Lord to keep nudging us along with just the encouragement we need.
Thank you for messing me up, friend. :) You’re my inspiration.
Love having you on the crazy journey of God continually wrecking our hearts. Love seeing the way He loves on people when I just obey and get out of the way.
Alene – you need to know that * I * love you too.
What a blessing you are to me.
We have been asking Him to open our eyes to the people that we can help and serve. It has been amazing when He has. :)
Girl you are so sweet. So thankful you are living life with your eyes wide-open watching for opportunities. Boy, they are everywhere when we start looking and asking God to reveal them.
Oh girl. I’d love to hug your neck.
I LOVE how God made sure to encourage you I can hardly stand it!
Thanks for making me feel like it’s okay if I’m still taking baby steps towards obedience because some days I feel so inadequate! Still…I’m striving. Still…God loves me. Still….I’ll keep taking those baby steps and pray one day I can look back and see how far I’ve come ;)
Thanks for the cyber neck hug – I felt it. Thank you and boy did I need it today. Baby steps are awesome – shoot, I’m still taking them everyday. It’s a crazy journey when you asked to be used to help others in need. Hang on for the ride girl – it is an adventure!
I SO need to get back involved with ministering to others. It’s been so difficult since Mark passed away. In December I did go to our Pastor and offered to be used of the Lord and he just said I wasn’t right for the ministry. It broke my heart so much that I just walked away and now simply go to church, make coffee and trade donuts for dollars (hospitality team), yet my heart LONGS to serve His people and with Purpose. I am waiting on HIM!!!
Cindy – what a joy to hear from you!!! I think of you often and pray. I know these are hard days. And oh my – you listen to God and follow Him. It is challenging to have others burst our bubbles. But only you and God know what He is stirring in your heart. I do know just being a spectator in church will not bring the peace you are looking for — I know because I tried that for years.
Cindy, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know that the Lord takes the horrible things in life and uses them to refine us and shape us and better equip us to serve Him. And as He’s doing that, we have so many obstacles to face as the enemy tries to block our ministry. I’m praying you’ll find it in you to just keep on serving, even when you feel discouraged. Serving is the best way to get out of a funk, even when the funk is really a hard journey of grieving. You are so valuable to the Kingdom cause — perhaps more now than ever before because you have a whole new group you can minister to. (Ask me how I know …. ) <3
Cindy and Amy – you girls make me smile. You are the reasons why I am so thankful for the internet and blogging! I’m praying for you both – for peace, encouragement and God’s leading. You both have put the thankful in my heart this evening and I’ll be praying for each of you as I dose off.
I stepped out two years ago and started a blanket ministry for the homeless. They grabbed my heart and now I am writing a book about the people I have met and my journey into their lives. I was scared too, but took the leading I felt was from God and blessings have abound. Isn’t that just like God:)
Oh. My. Word. a girl after my own heart!!! I want to hear about your blanket ministry. Please guest post on my site!!! And I love that you are writing a book. I have writings from some of the homeless men I’ve met. I’ve been doing a lot of praying about why God gave me those writings and what a book would like. Can’t wait to hear more of your journey!!! Thanks for encouraging me.
Alene, you are a tremendous story teller. I am new to your blog but I know that is your greatest communication tool. Thank you for sharing. It is your stories that I take away and ponder.
Thanks girl for reminding me of that gift today. It is definitely something God has gifted me with and lucky for me it shows up on personality and strengths test, otherwise I’d probably question it. The best thing for me is when those stories touch a heart or a core nerve. Love being reminded of my gifts, thanks!
Oh, Alene, I could just hug you right now. Thank you for being obedient. Awkward, maybe, but still obedient. My brother lives in a wheelchair and both of his legs are amputated. He’s not homeless, but he says that other people will sometimes look away, not knowing what to say and feeling uncomfortable, so they look the other way. It is such a gift to simply look someone in the eyes and say, “Hello.” Just that small act of kindness speaks a thousand words. It says, “I see you, and you matter.”
Thanks for the hug! I feel for your brother as I’ve heard and seen how others treat those in wheelchairs differently. Sounds like your brother has a great attitude about it. Others do matter – we all just want to be noticed! It’s all about those awkward moments — most times those end up being special moments.
Oh Alene, this post just made me tear up.
I am in a situation right now where, I am torn about stepping up and doing what I should…beacuse I know deep in my heart that God is leading me but is still afraid. Talked about it in my recent post.
Thank you friend :)
Ma’am… I love you!
how often can just hearing those words make all the difference in how we step one foot in front of the other… head high or head stooped… heart heavy or heart light and joyous
Jesus says… ma’am… I love you!
Just like that
so simple
It should be all we need
loved your post! Thanks for sharing!