Today marks the day that I quit. I’m tired, worn and weary. The fight isn’t worth it any longer. I’ve had enough!
You’ve probably seen it coming for awhile. The lack of inconsistency, the tired look upon my face, and the overall lack of enthusiasm in my life. So I’m sure this isn’t taking you by surprise.
Persevering is hard.
The every day grind of hoping for something when you can’t see it wears on the soul. And if that isn’t enough the comments and discouragement from others suffocate like a dark veil thrown over your dream.
But at some point, isn’t it alright to give up?
At some point, can’t you get away with saying, “Enough already?”
On your worst day, isn’t quitting allowed so that you can live a normal life?
Quitting it is.
I will no longer have sleepless nights praying for babies I wish I could cradle and keep.
I will no longer cry in the dark of night as rain pours knowing that my friends have not a roof over their head.
I will no longer walk around with a broken heart.
I will no longer look to the street corners to help ladies caught up in the bondage of sexual exploitation.
I will no longer think of others day in and day out, but will begin to think of me and my family more.
I will no longer receive late night calls from girls in trouble and sleep will again prevail.
Yes, I quit. I no longer want to be bothered. So I quit on my dream, my calling, and my purpose. Quit!
It’s not easy.
April Fool’s!! I’m sorry, but I had to do it. I think many of us have felt this way . . . and maybe even often.
The truth is, I’m not quitting. But I have to be honest — the past month has been hard and the crazy thoughts of quitting have darted in and out of my soul. And as I entertain those silent thoughts, my heart pounds.
My heart pounds and tears fall even as I write out this silly April Fool’s joke, because I know I can’t quit. For me quitting is not an option!
There are lives at stake. There are people to love. There are people who need God’s grace, mercy, and redemption. There are people who need Jesus.
Quitting is not easy as easy as it looks, if you’re called to be a difference-maker . . . a world-changer.
Don’t follow through.
The word quit itself will haunt you. Your mind will crave it, your heart will think it can’t bare another burden and need to, and your body will tell you you can’t go further. But don’t entertain those thoughts! Thinking about quitting randomly along your journey is natural, just don’t follow through.
Your soul will be tormented in this in-betweenness, of wanting to quit but knowing you can’t. So alleviate those paralyzing thoughts quickly and remember . . .
There’s no quitting when you’ve been called, chosen, and purposed to help others.
Happy April Fool’s Day!
By the way, have you felt like quitting lately?
I really need to stay off the internet on April Fools. You had me! I was thinking, “Oh no! what happened?” Have a great day and that’s no fooling. :)
Hey girl, sorry!! I’m usually not good at faking people out. I’m totally not quitting, but I can’t say that it hasn’t crossed my mind. :)
Fearlessness is a great theme. It’s one of the things God wants me to work on. I’ve been trying to subdue a big fear that has persisted, even escalated, for over 13 years. I honestly believe the Lord has tried to show me in a fairly dramatic way that it will turn out alright, but since I have so much fear about the impact of a bad outcome I have trouble believing that those ‘evidences’ aren’t just extreme coincidences. I think anybody would be scared in my shoes. But I think the Lord wants me to exercise faith that I will be ok no matter what happens…Life can be so hard! But the experience has definitely made me more compassionate.
Every person God used greatly in the Bible had to overcome great fear. God only calls us to great things. If He didn’t call us out of our comfort zones, we could then do it all on our own and it wouldn’t be necessary for God to call us. :)
We’ve ALL been called to focus beyond ourselves. I’m glad you’re not quitting (didn’t think you were!). I only hope more people will START. As you know, there’s a whole world of hurting people right within our reach…
Susan – and that hurting world seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Oh may we all step out and do something that leaves God’s love splattered all over.
I must say that was a catchy title. :-) I couldn’t believe you would actually quit though. But even though it was a joke you brought out some very good points that I have often thought before.
Why can’t we quit when so many others do?
It reminds me of Jeremiah 20:9
“Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.”
Great verse!!!
Amen!! I love your encouraging words… “There’s no quitting when you’ve been called, chosen, and purposed to help others.” So glad I came upon your blog. I am looking forward to getting to know you. What a blessing! God bless!
Great to have you hear Rebecca!! I’m normally not a jokester. :)
My heart was beating so fast when I read this and then finally mid-way through I thought, “Alene is NOT a quitter!”. I’ve had my fair share of these types of days. Thankful God continues to give us the grace and strength to walk out our callings.
love you friend!
I kept seeing people talking about this last night. I so needed to hear this – written this way. I’m a huge fan of sarcasm and satire. Contrast speaks to me in such a powerful way. What you intended as a joke, God has used for good (to paraphrase Joseph). Thank you so much for your pressing and spurring on.
You really had me going there! I was saying to myself, “Nooo, I just found another blog that I like!” Great April Fools joke. But yup, the thought about quitting comes up every now and then. Quit photography, quit blogging, just stop everything I’m responsible for. But I know quitting is not an option, and when things get tough, I pray, bow my head and plow through.
March was a tough month and I really did feel like quitting, but I kept telling myself that is His mercies are new every morning, then I could make it to April and try again!