Today my oldest daughter, Courtney, turns 21. Happy birthday girl!
I can’t believe it. Where did the time go? It seems just yesterday she was the life of the party here in this house. Now she lives in a land far far away. Reflecting back on the last twenty-one years, I am so thankful for Courtney. Not only was she a joy to raise, but I learned about God through her.
After I battled infertility for years, God blessed me with her, a precious baby.
I learned that God still performs miracles!
When she had 105 fever and we sat in the hospital for a week with an unconfirmed diagnosis.
I learned that God is a Sustainer and will see us through!
When she said, “Mom, I don’t need to wear these glasses anymore because I prayed and asked God to heal my eyes and He did.”
I learned that God is the Great Physician.
When she was diagnosed with osteochondrosis and couldn’t move her arm the whole church and community prayed.
I learned that God is the Healer that leaves doctors perplexed.
When she graduated and moved off, my prayers took on a whole new meaning.
I learned that God is in control, not this mom.
After she was hit head-on by a drunk driver, I marveled that she walked away and fell to my knees in prayer.
I learned that God is Jehovah Jirah, our Provider and Protector.
God’s amazing! Happy Birthday and much love Courtney.
majjj, i love you so much!! thanks for the special blogg, i miss you and cant wait to see you next! love you more than anything!
What a special girl you have and what special care God has taken of her! She’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing her birthday with us! Makes me feel a little old though since my daughter will soon be 32!
Happy anniversary of the day you gave birth to Courtney! :)
Happy Birthday to Courtney.
Alene what a beautiful way to honor your daughter and the Father. I loved reading this.
I LOVE this post! what a sweet sweet post!
WOW!!!! Your God has done GREAT things for you Courtney, Happy Birthday! I know your Mom’s bent knees and heart toward the Lord are a big part of that. May her anointing continue through your life.
Happy Birthday, Courtney! What an awesome testimony and tribute!
We can learn alot from our children.
What wonderful touches from God that you received throughout the years…God is good!
Happy Belated-Birthday,Courtney!
What a beautiful post!! She is a miracle and God has shown Himself to be huge in her life and in yours. God bless you, dear friend!
Wow! What testimonies! He is faithful!
Love & blessings,
Happy 21st Courtney!!! May there be many more years ahead and in those years that you still walk with Christ.
I know that it can be hard to do but with God all things are possible.
As your mom knows from 1st hand experience.