I love watching gymnastics. Maybe it is because for years we were a gymnastics family. My oldest daughter was born tumbling and so we spent hours daily in the gym. She went on to compete until injuries took her out of the sport.
Gymnastic meets are just beautiful. The girls look so elegant and graceful. The gymnasts are talented and so precise in what they do. The routines truly captivate me.
Didn’t you enjoy the summer olympics?
Inspiring for sure.
But the real story to their gracefulness comes from hours on end in the gym perfecting their skills and routine. There are daily bumps, bruises, bang-ups, and broken bones, yet they fight through unafraid. There is a determination about them. A determination I’d love to have in my life! I loved watching my daughter practice.
It stirred up a determination within me.
A friend sent me this short video by Francis Chan. It is SO powerful. It was so easy for me to relate to because of the gymnastics theme.
I’ve never looked at gymnastics from a spiritual sense, but WOW how they relate.
I’m not sure where I am today.
I know I’m not in a full body hug around the beam, but yet I don’t feel I’ve accomplished enough to jump down and throw my arms up in the air as a “well done” salute. Maybe I’m more in the pose of standing on my tip toes, every so gently trying to figure out how to maneuver the next move. Subscribers you can view it by clicking here.
What gymnastics pose might you be in today?
The video says it all — I don’t want to play it safe. Do you?
I pray we can all sincerely throw our hands up in a “well done” salute on our last day and know we’ve accomplished much for our Lord and Savior!
Writing about “graceful” at Lisa-Jo’s today.
"That's NOT the life God's called you to!" So true!
WOW!! Definitely thought provoking.
I would say I'm not in a full body hug around the beam. But I am holding on.
Thanks for dropping by my blog today and leaving some comment luv.
I saw this video last week…very powerful! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you did! I just started your "I'm a Fixer Upper" study 3 days ago. It has already been a huge blessing to me! I just read through Exodus a couple of months ago and I was so interested in the details of the tabernacle. When I'm finished with the study, I'm going to do a giveaway on my blog for this book and also your Laundry one (I'll be doing that one next)…I think my readers will really be blessed by them! :0)
Thank you for your dedication to the Lord…and for putting out Bible studies for Christian moms like me!
Wow..you "happened to stop by" my blog, but yet, God wanted me to see that video here. It encouraged me. I've fallen "off and on" the "balance beam" of life so many times over the years.. sometimes getting bruises, and have recently wondered (maybe "dreamed") of "an easier way"~~but hugging the balance beam of life probably is not the answer. :) Thanks for stopping by, and being led of the Lord to leave a comment. I would have never found you either. BTW, your photography is beautiful! :)
Well,now that is hugely convicting!!! Oh my goodness…I have hugged the beam far too often. I'm so trying to do a better job at just doing the routine, even with it's falls and bumps and rolls. Thanks for posting this. I'm going to post it over at The Point, if you don't mind.
Blessings to you, my friend. I, too, hope that we can meet up one day and share some time together.
This is a powerful video message–a message to chew on!!Thanks for sharing with us!!
Blessings to you friend!
Mmmm. The balance beam I'm walking with my son right now is rather scary. I need the Judge to hold my hand through it, or I am surely going to fall.
Yes, I'm hearing this message a little differently today, because of my circumstance. But I agree – we need to trust God and step out in faith, rather than clinging to the balance beam. For sure!
Maneuvering those beams with our children in tow is very tricky! God sure teaches moms how to truth. Amen!
I'm lovin' this and at the same time agreeing with Irritable Mother! Right now – with hubby so ill – I think I'm clinging to the beam with all four and praying the Judge is wrapping His arms tightly around me!
Thank you for sharing this perspective because as soon as hubby is better I will definitely need to stand up and start moving!
I agree with the dear mother writing about the scary balance beam she's walking with her son right now. I am walking one like that too. I am holding on, FULL BODY, to the balance beam, but see, I see the balance beam as the Lord Himself. He is my anchor and anything of worth I accomplish is never me really–it's all Him. HE is the one going across that balance beam with perfect precision and by holding on to Him relying on His grace I will always come out a champion–gold medal and all.
Wow, what a powerful testimony and inspiring message. Yep, not me, don’t want to follow the crowds. At all. Thanks for this Alene, it blessed me.
Hey – us girls that don’t follow the crowds need to stick together. Love this community and that our writing connects us. Sure wish I was going to Allume to meet people in person. I’m so jealous!! Maybe next year. Blessings sweet friend.
Oh how I love how Francis Chan brings everything into my visual perspective!
(have you seen his rope example? With lengths and lengths of white rope signifying eternity and only two inches of the tip are stained red resembling our life here on earth? and how we all worry so much about centimeters…it’s so good. I’ll send it to you if you haven’t seen it)
holy tangent. sorry!
I’d say I’m sitting on the beam right now with one heel gripping as if I’m going to stand at any moment. if I’m waiting for bravery I know I’ll never take the next step…but grace. I’m learning that’s enough to cling to.
I love your holy tangents! I haven’t seen that video. I’d love a link – sounds convicting. Francis Chan has a way of hitting home.
Grab hold of your bravery girl and GO! You got this down.
Gymnastics are one of my favorite parts of the summer Olympics! Powerful video … thanks so much for sharing it!
Mine too, Melissa! Thanks for stopping by.
My internet wouldn’t let me finish the video. It got stuck on him hugging the beam. I certainly have been there – lots. But as of late, God’s been asking me, coaching me in going forward.
I am still a little scared, nervous, excited. I am learning to lean — more.
I love you friend.
Learning to lean — girl, I’m with you. I’ve had so many internet, blogging, publishing problems this week I want to scream. BUT I think I’ll lean.
Love reading about your scared steps!
I’ve seen this video before and needed to see it again. I feel as if I am barely hanging on, as I’ve added “homeschooler” to my list of things I am. So thankful for His grace that fills me and allows me to be all that He has called me to be.
Homeschooling is a full time love. I remember the year I home-schooled. My brain seemed it was in overtime always. It was great to hear from you girl. Blessings always!
Wow,girl! I needed to watch that video. I’ve been playing it way too safe – longing for security and predictability. Thanks for the encouragement to change my routine.
I’ve been thinking about that whole playing it safe thing — I’m there hanging on afraid to jump and land most of the time. Security and comfort feel so safe — but sometimes they seem boring too. I’m a little schizo that way myself.
Well, I’ve been holding tight for a couple of years now! I suppose it’s time to get up and move! Fear does tend to paralyze! Thank you Alene, for sharing this very direct message!
Fear does paralyze! So does analyzing which is where I find myself a lot too. Great to hear from you girl! Blessings for your weekend.
I LOVE THIS! I myself LOVE gymnastics! I love it because it’s the only outlet I found as a child outside of the abuse..
Thank you for this Alene.. I LOVED this blog writing!
Having an outlet is good. I had many – unfortunately gymnastics wasn’t one. Actually it wasn’t anything sporty related — mine was more 4-H and raising animals! Thanks for stopping by – so thankful you were blessed.
Thanks, Alene, for powerful words & the FC video…I’m continuing to talk to God, and taking baby steps along that beam…blessings :)
I guess as long as we can look at the end of each day and find at least one positive thing we have done, then we will be able to say “Well Done”. At least that’s what I try to do.