Questions. Questions. Questions.
I remember when my kids were younger and it seemed they had one million and thirty-seven questions every day. I would get so exasperated. But now the tables are turned where I always seem to have questions, but for God. I so hope He is not exasperated with me!!!
I am finding comfort along my journey in the New Testament using my Chronological Bible. I am seeing that I’m not the only one with questions. The New Testament characters were filled with questions too.
One of the first questions that stands out at me was asked by Mary, Jesus’ mother. If you recall an angel appeared to her, “Greetings, favored woman. The Lord is with you.” (story found in Luke 1:26-38)
Mary was confused and disturbed. (Maybe I’m a little nuts, but I find comfort in that.)
The angel goes on to say, “You have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.”
Mary replies, “How can this happen? I am a virgin.” (There’s that question.)
If we were to bring this scenario into an every day event in our own lives, I think many of us could and can relate.
First, as we go about our every day routines we sense God speaking into our heart. We feel Him calling us beyond where we’ve been before. Somewhere down deep in our heart, we know that He deems us highly favored for this task. But yet . . .
We are confused and disturbed by it all.
What we sense God speaking into us doesn’t make sense and we have no earthly idea how to carry out this task or vision for Him. So we find ourselves asking . . .
How can this happen?
We might not be saying “How can this happen, because I am a virgin”, but we have our own questions and excuses we speak out to God.
How can this happen . . . I’m not worthy.
How can this happen . . . I’m not educated for that task.
How can this happen . . . I have a tainted past.
How can this happen . . . I am so inadequate.
As Mary asked her question, the angel actually gave her a brief answer of how it would happen. OK – I don’t get answers most of the time. Do you? But the angel goes on to assure Mary that “nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
As I step out daily in my journey I pray that I can have the bold, blind faith that Mary did — even though I have questions — I hope to respond just as she did, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything that is said come true.”
How can this happen — because the Lord has spoke it into existence and nothing, NO THING, is impossible with God.
It is totally amazing how God continually uses us despite our own questions of . . .
How can this happen?
could you please add the word awesome to the comment box please?
I would like to check it . I find myself asking those very questions…….Me ? How could I possibly? You've got to be kidding?And then there are the statements….Oh, ya in a million years. People will laugh at me. I could never do that. I dont think I heard right.
This all makes you think. What in the world have I missed out on due to my lack of faith.
great post read that passage a few days ago. I hope to blog at some point what the Lord said to me. Let it b :)
All you said is so true. And amazing. For, as you said, NO THING is impossible with God!
Marilyn…in Mississippi
i love this…it is definately encouraging that so many people asked questions in Scripture. God knows I am a question asker. His Word meets me where I am every time, too! He is so faithful!