Have you been through a season where all seemed dark and grim? You’d look left and right, but yet hope of a brighter day seemed so far removed you couldn’t even imagine it. I’ve certainly been there. And you and I can both agree those trying times are hard to navigate.

Years ago, when I lost all of my hair for the first time, I remember looking everywhere I could for an ounce of hope, a sliver of sunshine, to brighten my day. I devoured books on healing, researched as much as I could about autoimmune disorders, jumped deep into my Bible and journaled. And every now and then I’d find a piece of information, note, or quote that would give me hope for that day.
That little sliver of hope gave energy to my soul that maybe I’d make it through this ordeal and maybe even greater was the thought that maybe — just maybe — I would be able to regrow my hair.
Oh friend, I know I’m not alone here. Loss of hope and dealing with grief for a season is gut-wrenching. There’s fear, anger, and doubt to navigate. While grief comes in many forms, I’ve been blown away by the number of women that have reached out to me with hair loss problems in the past few years.
If that’s you, my heart hurts for you. If I could take some of your emotional pain away in this journey, I certainly would. When those dark days hit, it’s as if we’ve been buried. The busy world keeps on moving steadily ahead, but we’re frozen in time.

I recently stared at some sunflower seeds I had started in trays on my kitchen counter. It was about the fifth morning when I noticed the seeds were moving dirt. Literally lifting chunks of soil. The scene caught my thought processes. Just like these seeds, God gives each of us just enough energy to push through dark times.
These medium-sized seeds had to push through dark and damp soil, to see the grow-light above. And you and I are going to have to use what little energy we have to focus on the Light, the good, and keep moving in a positive direction. Oh, the patience we must have.
I’m just that person who wishes she was Bewitch! One twitch of my nose and all could be how I wanted it instantaneously. Doctors would have answers. Hair would grow. It would be easy to find cute hats to wear. Bones would quit hurting. And I’m sure you have your list of instantaneous problems you’d love to solve with a the twitch of a nose too.
But the truth is, while we might be lacking in patience, there is hope. We are created with hope in our veins. Even though it wanes, hope is there. It’s our responsibility to encourage ourselves to move forward when all seems loss, even when doctors and friends don’t give us much hope.
Friends, we always have to dare to hope. Hope for the best. Hope for an answer or solution. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. Hope in God who brings miracles to those when they least deserve it. HOPE!
Are you in need to hope or a prayer today? If so, I’d love to hear from you. I’d love to pray for you.