Have you ever had your heart cry for something you’ve never seen?
Saturday we hit the streets of Corpus Christi to serve and love on the homeless community. While I smiled, my heart cried on the inside.
Something foreign, yet familiar.
The streets are still a scary place for me. I don’t understand. I try to, but yet walk away frustrated. Frustrated because you want to make a difference, but the task is too great at hand. So you pray that your smile, touch, hug, or warm food will make a difference. But as you see teenagers love on babies from the street, youth sing praises on the street, and moms pray for moms on the street there is a familiarity. It’s community. It’s messy people doing life with messy people.
The streets, while I travel them daily, are familiar to me. However, I’m fascinated by how foreign they can seem. My heart yearns to just set and watch. I want to learn more, because stepping into a foreign place, a new land, you know nothing about is scary.
Something foreign and unknown.
As I left the streets my heart began to pound with a new beat. I knew the next time I walked streets I would be in Guatemala. Excitement was rising as questions of the foreign and unknown were running through my mind. It was interesting to me how my heart was already breaking for a place I’d never been. Tears welled-up at the thought of Guatemala.
There was no fear, just the joy that my heart is ready to serve in a new land. I’ll be heading out with a group from the Wrecked Vision trip with Jeff Goins at GoinsWriter.com. He is also the author of Wrecked – a must read. As we travel, I hope to share a piece of the journey with you as I’ll write and shoot pics to tell you the story. (as internet connections provide) Prayers for our team of 20 would be much appreciated.
You can read more about the team and trip HERE, as well as hear about 3 ways you can join us.
What’s on your heart?
I can’t wait to get to Guatemala. It’s as if I need to be there NOW. I don’t know why. It’s like Guatemala is calling my name.
What is calling your name? What is stirring in your heart that screams “I need to do this now?”
It might seem foreign, familiar, or even frightening — but I challenge to take the first step to where you heart screams to be.
Will be praying for all of you!!
Tammy – that means so much! Every prayer treasured for sure. I never really knew you could be broken and wrecked for something before you ever see it. But I’m beginning to think that’s how God moves people to where He needs them. He wrecks us up good so we have to go and see and help and love and serve. Blessings!
God Speed Alene. I will be right beside you. Laura
One more sleep! Mine will be short — catching a 5:30am flight. Yawwwwwnnnnn