The grass is pretty green here in South Texas after all this rain from Hurricane Dolly. But, are you always looking for something other than what you have?
Have you ever wanted someone else’s career, house, wardrobe, body, lifestyle, friends, or even spiritual gifts?
Those things seem more fun and exciting when someone else has them. You might think your friends are powerful by the job they hold, but you don’t see the struggles that go on in the office. Their house is incredible and perfect for entertaining, but on the inside the family is full of turmoil and bitterness.
I was visiting with a friend recently and we were talking about just these situations. We seem to want what we don’t or can’t have. We began talking about spiritual gifts and how many of us fall into that trap of not being satisfied with what God has gifted us with. How sad that must be for God? He has specifically given you the perfect spiritual gift that He needs you to have to reach others.
All these (spiritual gifts) are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He (God) gives them to each man as He determines. 1 Corinthians 12:11
Have you ever given one of your children a gift they didn’t like? I have and it just crushes your heart and soul.
Read to the end of Chapter 12 and you see you can’t have all the gifts. However, you can eagerly desire the greater gift!
You’re thinking there it is – you knew there was a greater gift – there are gifts better than yours – and you want the greater one!
The greater gift, my friend, is love. LOVE!
Be happy, satisfied and appreciative of the gifts and strengths God has gifted you with and use them to encourage others. Use your gifts in LOVE!
But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but HAVE NOT LOVE, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 12:31 – 13:3
I say all this to remind myself this morning. God has made it apparent it’s time to begin writing my next Bible study book. This is such an emotional process for me.
I’m your adventurous, spontaneous, and on-the-go kind of girl. To sit behind this computer – well, it’s not my favorite cup of tea.
I am deciding from this day forth that I will write in love – in love because this is a precious gift that God Himself has given me. I want to be grateful and appreciative. Mostly, I want to be used by Him to reach others.
Hey, my grass is already looking greener!
Be amazed! God has gifted you in very special ways. Use those gifts in love.
Congratulations!! A new project is coming out! I hear you as I am a like like you described. I’m working on a project as well…do you think you can take it to Glorieta in October?
Engrafted by His Grace–
For all of you to know, Alene and I have been married 26 years today. She is a wonderful woman, mother and wife. I am truely blessed to have her in my life.
Hi Alene, I just posted a poem above Love and I came here to read about the Love, I really enjoyed this post and your Dear Hubby’s comment *smile*
Hugz Lorie
Ah that is very sweet and my Congrates are with you both…
You are in my prayers…
I remember a conversation I had with some girlfriends in college.
“I love your curly hair. I wish I had natural curls.”
“Your complexion is so smooth. I wish my skin was like yours.”
“I don’t like being short. I wish I was tall, like you.”
You get the idea.
Finally someone brought us back to reality when she said, “You know, I’ll bet God thought He was doing a pretty good job when He created us just as we are!”
Yep. The I-wish-I-was-you-converstaion ended right there!
I found you from someone’s blog, I think it was Leah.
Congratulations on your anniversary. We celebrated 25 years this year.
I also noticed in your bio that you used to be a Coast Guard wife. I was a Coast Guard wife as well. My husband was a radioman in the CG.
About your post… Love covers it all doesn’t it? I keep hearing Papa God tell me to live in love, which is sometimes so hard to do.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Keep to the pen. Keep to God. He will astound you with his faithfulness as you write, but you already know that.
Prayers for your journey this night.
Yikes! I’m guilty! Thanks for the reminder. And Happy Anniversary!
Hi Alene – I was thinking of you this week with Dolly comming in. I’m glad you came through it ok.
What a sweet Hubby you have to announce his love from the rooftops like that. Ok from the cybertops. :) Happy Anniversary.
Ok – I also came by to TAG you. :D The rules are on my website.
Looking forward to seeing that Bible Study!
For years my mom said “that the grass isn’t greener on the other side” She was always content where ever God placed her because she would did everything in His strength and in love.
Your words always make me think and encourage me.
And I’m the kind of gal that LOVES to sit at the computer and write….but yet the Lord has not given me a Bible study book to write. Isn’t that just like the Lord to have a sense of humor like that? ha Hope the book flows with a steady beat so that you don’t get so worn out sitting there at your computer! :)
I, too, want to be able to reach out to other with love. God has been reminding me of that lately in lots of different ways.
God bless you!
Marilyn in Mississippi