Once upon a time . . . don’t you just love mushy stories that start like that?
My story seems more crazy than mushy . . . so, I’m going to shorthand this bad boy for ya!
Once Upon a Time . . .
1. God started messing with my mind and heart about four years ago. MESSIN’! I had no words to explain the wrecking happening in my life, but there was no denying it was happening. Seems to be a common thread here in my blog that I have no words to describe what’s happening.
2. I was in the midst of leading the pilot group to the last Bible study I published when a friend in the group mentions I remind her of her good friend. When I found out it was Jen Hatmaker, I couldn’t believe it. I had read some of Jen’s studies and loved them. This comparison was a huge compliment!
3. Being curious what Jen (hey, I know a friend who knows her so that totally puts us on a first name basis, plus she wrote an endorsement to my study) was up to I began to stalk her. She had just released a new book called Interrupted so I rushed out to get it.
4. That book wrecked me.
5. I sent Jen a message and said “just so you know I am gonna’ plagiarize everything you wrote.”
6. Finally I had words to go with what God was doing in my heart.
7. I was excited but fearful of how God was interrupting me, because I didn’t know what to do.
8. I was praying “God, please put someone in my path that I can love on. Interrupt me for others.”
9. I took a step. God showed up even after I totally messed the whole thing up. The story is in the introduction of Graffiti.
10. I didn’t know who to tell because no one would understand this, so I sent Jen another message telling her the story.
11. SHE RESPONDED. She encouraged me and said God would lead me as He needed me.
12. I found my way as God nudged me to begin serving on the inner city of my community.
13. My heart was wrecked thanks to Jen — oh wait, that part was God.
14. I now do life with those on the streets, drug addicts, strippers, and the homeless.
15. I couldn’t be happier.
While I love my journey, I admit there are days when my heart moans for the comfortable. The comfortable of staying in my neighborhood, my church, and even online here with you because, let’s face it, stepping out of your comfort zone is scary. It wears on your spirit and soul. It’s exhausting!
But I believe with all my heart that that’s where we are suppose to be — uncomfortable! And once you get the hang of it — it becomes exhilarating.
Be sure to get your copy of Graffiti, as well as download your free copy of Graffiti Study and Do.
Are you stuck and continually thinking there’s got to be more?
3 Things that are Suffocating Your Journey:
1. The craving for more.
What’s your more?
2. Comparing yourself to others.
In what ways do you compare yourself to others — job, looks, children, relationships, gifts?
3. The need for comfort.
Where do your comforts lie?
It’s time to move beyond our comfort zone:
1. Your journey is important.
2. Your journey is unique.
3. Your journey (story) is all you have.
Your journey is not about you, it’s about others! [tweet that]
It’s time to step over my fear and across the street. I’m heading out to see with new eyes another area of town. This is not comfortable for me. But it is our DO assignment for the week, so I shall challenge myself. I hope you do the same too!
If you can’t — what’s holding you back? Comment and keep us up to date on your journey.
Be sure to tweet the tweetables in the Study and Do. Use #GraffitiSummer to keep up with the conversation on twitter or join us on the Graffiti Facebook page.
Go here NEXT: God Given Destiny
LOVE your story, it inspire me :)