Are you a black and white person? One that sees it has to be one way or the other?
I’m not. Well, maybe I was at one time. However, the older I get and the more I learn of the world and people I see a whole lotta’ grey!
But what disturbs me is when the “whole lotta’ grey” becomes the norm!
Grey is not norm. It’s middle ground. It’s neither stark white nor deep dark black – it’s really a shade that says “I have no clue who I am so I’ll just hang out here at grey for awhile and let everyone else decide who I should be.”
The dictionary describes grey as:
1. an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black
2. intermediate in character or position
3. a neutral color midway between white and black
WOW – pretty much a non-committal color!
Our world is becoming grey. Our children are becoming grey. I don’t know about you, but that scares me to death.
Where’s the vibrancy that says “this is who I am” or “this is what I stand for?”
As our world forces grey on us at every turn – please for the love of Pete resist. Pick a color and BE ONE! Quit settling for what the world says you should be or do or have.
Am I ranting? Not really. I’m just tired of the crazy of the world trying to invade my life. I’ve worked hard at not allowing “crazy” in and I try daily to help others out of “crazy.”
When did I quit seeing “grey?” The day I walked in to a strip club and spent time loving on the girls in there. Read the story HERE.
Walking into that club and seeing behind the scenes — you know, that part they don’t show you in Hollywood — ‘cuz IT’S TOO REAl, too true!
That was the day that the men’s strip movie about Mike came out and sickened me! That was the day that mommy porn made me want to throw up. That was the day it all changed!
Don’t think for a minute that I think I’m perfect. I struggle just like everyone else. My eyes want to see, my ears want to hear . . . but why should I perpetuate the craziness of a world of sex, lies, and porn? It’s all a lie . . . it’s all so “grey!”
Why am I not writing the full names of the movie and book? Because those that have filters on their computers will not be able to receive this writing! That ought to say something in and of itself.
Have I been made fun of for taking a stand? Yes.
Does it hurt? Yes.
Do I want to live a life of grey? NO, hmmmm heck NO!!! Standing up is liberating. Knowing who YOU are is freeing.
If you don’t think craziness and the nothingness of grey exists, come visit the club with me. Come see the fruit of what this color grey does to “real” people.
Dear friend, instead of being “fifty shades of . . ., ” pick a color and stand. Stand for something. And my prayer is that you’ll stand for something good, right, and TRUE!
What will you stand for?
Alene, As a junior high teacher, I see kids who are already steeped in a world of grey. They vacillate so easily based on mood, popularity, or “norm” of the day. While grey is okay from time to time, there are some definite absolutes in life. Thanks for the article.
Tina – great to hear from you! I bet you see all kinds of “norm.” I think I’m more passionate about this because I had the opportunity to go to youth camp again this summer and I just spent the last two nights at our youth’s AWAKEN event. Everything has become so grey – parents included – that our kids don’t even know what’s what. How sad to live in a world of grey at such a young age? Maybe I’m just a sappy sentimental mom . . .
We must have been on the same page today! I bought the book and we will enjoy reading it! It is time for Christians to stop being part time Christians, Sunday Christians, and even grey Christians. I dont know who “they” are and its not my place to help move “them” from those spots but I know I can easily fall into those categories. I am done. My SIL loves to ask me why we call people “good” Christians and no other religion out there uses that term. It makes for good dialogue… We cant play in society and live a biblical life! We dont get it our way and we cant encourage others to have it their way either! We are not superior people – far from it – we are not above any other human on this planet. Living a lie in grey though is something we need to start acknowledging in our circles… “Grey Mike” is not welcome in my mind! Thank You for writing this blog! Thank You for stirring me into acting and not just holding my flame where my chosen friends can see!
I bought the “Wrecked” Book not the shades book :)
BTW – you’ll love Wrecked! It’s real and written from a heart that cares for the broken.
Girl – we could just sit and have coffee and chat and chat. I think I lived in a grey world most of my life. I think I tried to pick a color, but the world’s grey calling was just too tempting. But this year going in to dark, dark worlds where I had never been shook me up. I can’t say I believe one way and live another. Nope I’m going all in — I don’t care who makes fun of me ‘cuz I won’t go see “Mike” or read “Grey”. I’d rather be using that time going in to the clubs and rescuing out girls and letting them know they don’t have to buy in to this world of “grey” either!!!
you took the words right out of my mouth. Great post. I was just having this discussion with some of my girlfriends .. this book and the idea of it and how it effects us gals today. I already have the book wreaked. of course. lol. so bypass me. lol. Good job Girlfriend. Good job!
I don’t understand all this craze!!! Wasn’t it us (women) who were going all crazy that our men were watching and reading this “grey” porn years ago. So, now we join them and sit around over coffee and talking about “grey” issues and who’s doing what with who?
I want to talk about REAL lives being transformed. REAL people being brave and courageous enough to walk out of a world of “grey!”
The book is awesome Tiff! Glad you bought it – Jeff has a great heart.
My friend Alene is on FIRE! nothing lukewarm about you.
I’m with you–picking one color unabashedly!
I’m just “simply striving” girl! I get that from you. I still struggle as the world has such a sway, but it gets easier and easier to leave grey behind. It’s actually freeing to just pick a color and stand for that – not having to keep up with the crazy of the world. It’s also easier to help others when you leave grey behind. Love your unabashedly lovin’ heart!
I am such a black and white girl. I’m an ISTJ (with a J of 99%) Mitigating circumstances don’t mean a whole lot to me. What’s right is right and visa versa. I’m ignoring the book and the other. I wish I had time to read more and if I did it would be those. Thanks for the post. Maybe you can be safety orange. There’s a color people notice. :)
You’re making me smile! Love it. My personality is the fun, likes to party, doesn’t want to miss out – so I’ll pick fuchsia. Doesn’t that sound fun? :)
I don’t necessarily want to be noticed. That’s too much pressure, but I don’t want to live in safety either. So orange it out. That’s the problem — too many of us live safe. We keep our same routines and comfortable life while others get sucked in ‘cuz we aren’t speaking out.
I don’t plan on making a scene, just plan on standing up in my little corner of the world by not participating.
YOU WIN! Email me and let me know what email address you’d like your Kindle version book sent to.
It is not even a well written book – besides it being pure junk. It tell us in the Bible to guard against such things – and surround ourselves with what is pure. We can not hope to be blessed when we surround ourselves with things such as this. Then we wonder why our world is the way it is.
To be truthful I haven’t read it nor seen a copy. I’m just sick of peeps around me talking about it like it’s the IN thing and then “gasping” when I say I haven’t read it. It could be very well written and I’d still be disturbed by all the talk I hear from friends.
Yep – above all else guard your heart!!!
I was referring to the Shades of Grey when I said it was pure junk. Haven’t read your book, Alene, but I plan to.
You won girl. Email me and let me know what email address you’d like your Kindle version book sent to.
I, too, haven’t read Grey or seen Mike. I think most women would be appalled if their husbands or boyfriends went on group dates to see a Striptease remake! And rightfully, so. We need to take a stand! There is so much more out there for us than what the world has to offer.
Yep yep yep! Taking a stand for me, myself, and my family. I’ve seen plenty of the world to know there’s no True peace there. I don’t want to go back to that grey or black season. Pressing onward here. Glad to see you are too!
Great post. No need to enter me into the Kindle drawing, as I already have multiple copies of the book and highly recommend it! This is a good post.
I try to live my life with integrity. You know, making my actions consistent with my knowledge of right and wrong. It is an inner commitment…a lifestyle…an everyday thing…and I’m feeling purple.
As far as the aforementioned shall not be named book, I would never read it. I do love a good romance book…one that stirs only the heart. There are some lovely Christian writers who provide just the type I love.
There is no gray, only right and wrong, yes and know, good and bad, black and white.
Making actions consistent with my knowledge — now there’s the daily struggle!!! Great truth.
I think we all can be black and white about many things and also be grey in others . We tend to justify the things we don’t want to change or bother with. Lord , give us the courage to deal with these grey areas and make a stand .
Love your prayer. Praying it here myself.
WOO HOO – you won. Send me the email address you’d like your Kindle version book sent to.
Girl you have inspired me from the first time I met you, I want to be pink, purple, anything but BLUE !! haha Gray is out of style, your in, thank you for sharing your special gift with all of us…
I have heard about the craziness but have not seen or hold or read it…glad I am not alone.
Love this friend.
I agree. While I don’t mind a clean romance novel here and again, I think that Mom porn is just as bad as any other form of porn. I have no desire to partake.
WOO HOO – you won. Email me and let me know what email address you’d like your Kindle version book sent to.
Just bought Wrecked for my Kindle. Great suggestion.
You’ll love the book! Thanks from Jeff.
I am running behind today. Hope that Ican get this in on time. I’ve been readingso much about this book. Re. your post today, I don’t want to be gray either. You’ve given much to think about & soul search!
WOO HOO – you made it and you won. Email me and let me know what email address you’d like your Kindle version book sent to.
As always, this post is so good. I really appreciate your message and especially the challenge to overtake Grey’s spot on the top seller’s list. I wish I could make the purchase, but under current circumstances, I can’t even put a dollar on the credit card! I would love to enter your draw, but I think the book should go to someone who needs it. I have three books waiting for review and about five more to read for fun. I will read this one someday, but for now…
Thanks, friend!
I don’t want to be ”grey” either Alene! Thank you so much for “picking a color” and taking a stand for what is good and right.
God bless you!