Oh heavens, I’m in a love/hate relationship!
The Farmers Market on Saturday morning was like a peaceful rain after a long dry summer. My country heart was in hog-heaven.
Pulling into the parking lot I had two initial thoughts:
1. the last time I was here I was parking and heading in to the strip club across the way, this was a better activity to be happening in this lot (Can I get an amen?)
2. it was such a peaceful morning with no crazy buggies with funky wheels flying everywhere or cRanKy people scurrying to and fro, if you know what I mean?
Strolling around, I loved visiting with the Farmers and hearing of how they grew their goodies (no chemicals, open range, grass-fed). You could see their passion for what they do and the people they serve. My soul enjoyed taking it all in — the camaraderie, the peace, the excitement, the sounds and smells, and the acoustic music playing faintly in the middle of the lot.
Where did this simple world go, I wonder?
After visiting with Farmer about his squash and the different types. I bought me some Summer Squash and then a new kind. Farmer said I could slice it up and grill it – hey that’s a new dish I can use on 7. I’ll keep you posted. I wish I could remember the name, but it’s the white squash above. I ended up with bags of tomatoes, spinach, squash, fresh eggs, and watermelon. Mouth-watering goodies! Taking it all in, my mind kept reflecting back to my grocery store (which I CAN NOT stand) and wondering what happened to service like this.
My grocery store is HUGE! Y’all they sell furniture in there. Seriously, I’ve never seen a buggie big enough to carry one of those couches on yet, either!!! Plus, you can’t walk through the front door without people trying to sell you their crap — phones, jewelry, papers.
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t mind vendors selling, just don’t bombard me at the front door. Then once you make it past the front entrance, it’s a whole frippin-frappin maze to get the items you need. I don’t need your t-shirts, bar stools, book section, perfumery, baby depot, nor your electronic section GROCER! — I just want a place to get my ESSENTIALS! I also don’t need your cooking shows on every other aisle with the chef’s mic so loud it echoes through the store.
Nope – don’t need it. DON’T. NEED. IT! What has happened to this crazy world we live in? Why do we have to have more, more, more? Why does our more, more, more have to be within an arm’s reach and at every corner of the grocery store? Why does it have to be so busy and loud? What happened to the personal touch?
Dear Grocer, Please excuse my rant today. You see I’ve only been eating 7 foods for the past few days now and this might be making me just. a. little. cranky. My caffeine consumption is WAY down, so I know that influences my attitude as others have well reminded me. So, while I’m here trying to down-size and get a hold of the consumption rate of excessiveness in my life and home, did it ever occur to you that you perpetuate the problem? And as I’m ranting and shaking my fist your way, I am THANKFUL that you are only 1 mile from my home. It’s not like I’m boycotting you or anything, OH NO, I’m sure I’ll walk back in to your madness soon. Very soon, actually, as I need some fresh crisp apples. Thankful we can have this love/hate relationship!
signed, me
Love it! You are so hilarious yet so right!!
I had to go get apples this afternoon. I was like a kid in the candy-store “OMgosh, look at this! Look at that! I need some of this!”
The choices and temptations were too much!!!
Ain’t this the truth? Love this Alene!
TRUTH, girl, TRUTH! Hope you have a blessed week.
Oh my goodness, I hate the store. I hate the store on Saturday, oh the madness, the noise, the masses of cranky people.
I agree! Had to go for apples today and my soul LONGED for the farmer’s market. Peaceful farmers and acoustic music playing. What’s not to love!
Patty Pan Squash. :) And, I get the love hate. I love my farmer’s market, but I am going to hate it soon because it is only open on Saturdays. Since I have vowed to walk for all my food for the next 2.5 weeks, the very thought of running out of a critical item and NOT on Sat strikes terror into my heart. Was this supposed to be fun?
Wow! What kind of grocery store is that??? I hear your desire to simplify… go back to basics. I look forward to catching up on your “7 – thing” that I keep seeing tweets about :) I am pulling back on writing this month to connect with the family and also friends like you… It just feels right :)
Summer is here! Love and blessings to you, precious daughter of God…
Love the Patty Pan squash.. Another funny name for a particular squash around here is called Monkey Butt.. I kid you not. its funny for the tummy, too.. We are suffering in our town here today, as the only grocery stores we have now, are Walmart, and Safeway. Our Albertson store JUST closed a few days ago for lack of profitable business they said.. No wonder, we have to have Walmart, also known as MaoMart ( play on China based products ) , and its pushing the other stores out of town.