The past couple of weeks have been extremely stressful. Pressures and worries have built up on every front of my little world. Don’t you just love the saying, “When it rains, it pours.” Such is life.
However, it’s one thing to feel the pressures on the inside, but when they start popping to the outside through facial blemishes – ooooh, that’s not so good. I was experiencing such the ugly phenomenon. Stress pimples. Urgh!
Thankfully, I’ve had years of skin care training as I use to teach classes. I knew how to handle this. I babied my skin, made sure I was following ever step properly, and making sure my face was clean at all times. But these stubborn pimples were NOT budging. They were not even shrinking!
In desperate need of relief (I was fixing to be in front of a bunch of women), I borrowed a different cleanser from a friend. My goodness, I think this made the problem worse. If you know about skin care, you know any change in skin care products can make the situation worse at first. What was I thinking?
But I was still in DESPERATE need to be cleansed and free of these blemishes. Time was running out, so I went to the local supermarket and bought some super-duper heavy-duty acne free cleanser and toner.
Forget being gentle! I was going to scrub these bumps off. I cleansed as harshly as I could and decided to just douse my face in the toner. In my half-crazed mind I thought, that should do it.
By the next day, my face was on fire. By evening my skin felt like leather. I had fried my face trying to get rid of the blemishes. As the days went by, my face began to peel. It was horrible!
NOTE: DO NOT EVER TRY THIS! Stick with your normal cleansing routine.
What I learned about God and life from this experience: (I’ve had a lot of thinking time as I was hiding out.)
We all have blemishes and/or sins – they just seem bigger when they are ours.
We can try to hide our blemishes – however, we know they are still there.
We try drastic measures to feel cleansed – alcohol, drugs, money, relationships.
Using the wrong product for cleansing does make the blemish worse.
God is the only cleanser who will alleviate all blemishes.
Our responsibility is to come to HIM for cleansing – daily.
God’s cleansing program might not seem like it is working – but it is.
Cleansing is a process.
Amazing you can learn from your blemishes.
I absolutely love this post. It is so true. God is the only thing that can cleanse us.
Alene, I’m so sorry you had to go through all that pain and suffering but you sure were given a great lesson for us through it! As someone who suffered horribly from acne for years I can identify. The things I would put myself through just in hopes of having clear skin! I love how you compared God to our cleansing routines! He truly is the only One who can take away our spots! Hope you are blemish-free very soon!
Love ya,
Oh Alene I hope you’re healed quickly. That sounds painful.
Your analogy is great though. And I bet those blemishes would not have been noticed by others even though they seemed to be SO evident to you.
Did you look at yourself in a magnifing mirror? That would have been really bad. It shows things you did not know were there. How do I know this???? I put on my makeup in front of one. I’m sure your skin was not that bad. Your glow would have reflected good light off them. B
You gals are sweet! Yes, they were only horrible to me. They seemed like mountains, only to me. Sometimes magnifying glasses are good, sometimes you have to know when to put them away and just go on. My problems seem like mountains to me, especially when I’m looking through the magnifying glass, but in the big picture they aren’t. God is good!!!! You gals rock.
Blemishes…Sin they are both ugly!
You hit the nail on the head.
I must confess,I would always do a lot of cover-up on the pimple but I think it made it worse.
What a hoot!! You are one of the only people I know who make a spiritual application from a zit!! You are the best!!
Quite an entertaining post, Alene! Goes to show that God can and will speak to us in all things (if we hide out long enough;)