If you are just now joining us, we are reading the section Silence Births Vision in the book Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street. Download the FREE Graffiti Study and Do guide and jump right in. You can find the introduction here under the Study and Do header tab in the header. We’d love to hear from you!
Is it hard for you to be still and listen for God?
In this lesson we will address how frustrating it is when we long to hear a word from God, but our left feeling empty. It seems that God has gone silent. We squirm. We don’t like it. We long for the peace God’s presence and voice bring.
Do you feel God is silent?
Here’s some encouragement and four points you need to consider.
4 Points to Consider When God is Silent
There is much to be learned when God is silent.
1. Make sure you haven’t turned away.
God is always pursuing us. “Come close to God, and He will come close to you.” (James 4:8)
Tools for connecting with God: Bible, God Calling by AJ Russell, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
If you do not have these devotional books, I highly recommend them.
2. Examine yourself to know if you need correction.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life. (Psalm 139:23, 24)
Know what hinders you from hearing from God.
— sin blocks us from the very presence of God
— busyness keeps us from hearing God
3. God is trying to move you in a new direction.
Luke 5:4-7 This is the story where Jesus asks Simon Peter to let down his nets in a new area. Simon Peter says, “because you say so I will.”
Don’t be so busy doing God’s work your way that you miss when He is trying to redirect you.
God will not speak again until you have done what He has already told you. [You can tweet that here.]
4. You are right where God needs you to be.
You might not hear God’s voice if you are walking in step with Him doing what He has asked you to do.
His voice is sometimes not audible when you are in perfect unity with Him.
What challenges do you face when you feel God is silent? Do you get frustrated?
Don’t let the silence frustrate you, let it propel you to draw closer to God. He longs to birth new vision out of the silence periods.
If you have been frustrated with this study, please don’t let that frustration keep you from pursuing Him. God is there to walk your journey with you to reach His people. Listen for His whisper.
Our DO assignment for the week challenges us to glance back. Go back through your Graffiti book and Study and Do. Make note of what God has impressed upon your heart. Have you followed through? Let’s tie up those loose ends this week as we conclude our Study and Do.
I can’t wait to hear your stories. I know you will be blessed for “doing” what God has already spoken.
Alene, what spoke to me most on this podcast was considering that God might have me right where He wants me to be. I think He is being silent by not being more clear as to who He wants me to serve (military, homeless, seniors, etc.) instead of realizing in those moments when I say yes to stepping over a fear to serve it’s about not missing out on a time such as the one before me where I can make a difference….”For a time such as this.” Maybe He isn’t wanting me to serve only in one area but for my heart to be open to serving in any area He may lead me to. Did that make any sense?
I agree. I think too many times we miss God because we are looking for the “grand and glorious” way He wants us to live and serve, but all along He puts opportunities in our paths daily. When we start listening to the still small voice that beckons us to love people right in front of us His voice becomes clearer. Just like I wanted to be called somewhere cool like “AFrica” and God sent me here to my own city only 7 miles from my home. Doesn’t seem too sexy and cool, but God is all over it!
I agree with Beth — heart open, staying the course, ready to do whatever needs to be done. I think that’s been my biggest takeaway from this study. I heard a great line in a sermon this morning: God can only change directions if we’re moving. Otherwise we’d just be spinning.
Love that!