If you are just now joining us, we are reading the section Opposition to Victory in the book Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street. It all started this summer when a group of crazy people decided to take a challenge and participate in Graffiti Summer. Download the FREE Graffiti Study and Do guide and jump right in. You can find the introduction here under the Study and Do header tab in the header. We’d love to meet you along the journey!
I have been at youth camp this week and I can tell you there is no better place to witness the truth of opposition to victory than there!
Opposition to Victory
Have you ever just wanted to win without going through trials and opposition? That would be ME!!! But there is value in the opposition we face, if we embrace it and don’t let it get the best of us.
5 Steps to Being a World Changer
1. The Call
What has God placed on your heart to do? Do you feel the tug?
Hang on to the promise of your call when hard times come.
2. The Plan
Are you one who runs ahead of the plan or one who analyzes a plan to death?
Don’t be afraid to make a wrong move — just move and let God make it right!
3. The Opposition
Opposition will come in many ways. Be prepared and don’t let it throw you off course.
In Exodus 6 – 14 we read how Moses met opposition 10 times, but he never gave up.
Opposition builds your character so you’ll be a stronger leader.
4. The Failure
Proverbs 15:22 “Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.”
God is OK with our failures. He is not OK with our quitting.
5. The Victory
Such a sweet place to be and miracle to see.
Put your confidence in God and He will bring you the reward.
My prayer is you are ready to step out and follow God. Be a world changer — people are counting on you!
Please take a minute and commit your call to victory. Claim it with such conviction that you will follow through no matter what!
Our DO assignment for the week challenges us to DO some opening up. When we are comfortable opening up with others, they become more relaxed in wanting to open up to us. I hope you’ll take up the challenge.
It’s time to open up and give others the freedom to do the same.
To follow the conversation on twitter use #GraffitiSummer or join us on the Graffiti Facebook page.
UP NEXT: For your Generation
Reading from both Exodus and Graffiti this week is challenging me in many ways. This here… “God is OK with our failures. He is not OK with our quitting.” I needed to hear this. I’m hoping to properly explain why when I wrap up this weeks post. Love you! So good to have you back.
Can’t wait to hear about it girl! Sometimes quitting just beckons us to throw our hands up in the air and quit. Been there — think I’ve even done it a few times. But always when I quit or lay back for awhile I’m the one who misses out on the blessings God has in front of me. Saying a prayer for you.
Not giving up is the key – isn’t it – and relying on Him to help me get there! No – He doesn’t want us to ever give up. ever. ever. ever!
Amen to the ever. ever. ever!!!
“Opposition builds your character so you’ll be a stronger leader.”
Though the character building is not fun, it is necessary and I want to be reshaped and transformed daily!
this truth is so real in our lives as we step out and step into being all that God calls us to be. I am grateful for every opposition I face, so that I can be molded and shaped into the woman/world changer that God has called me to be.
Can’t wait to practice the DO assignment at our Connection night with 80 ladies at church tonight. I love going deep with women. May I do so with grace and compassion, in Jesus name!
Thank you Alene for your boldness in living this out and for calling us to dig deeper with Christ! love you and love this study.
Oh my — can’t wait to hear about your Connection group and how ladies were touched. I just wrote a book of a comment on Simply Beth’s blog about being authentic and real in women’s ministry.
I love this, Alene. In fact, a speaker at the writer’s conference I was just at said, “It’s ok to quit. I quit all the time. You just can’t STAY quit!” So true!