I lay there tossing and turning. I can’t get this week’s challenge out of my mind. I am supposed to realize that I am different and then go bless someone different than myself. Dang – I’m beginning to wonder why I wrote this Graffiti Study and Do guide and why in the world did I decide to lead it? It’s summer for crying out loud — shouldn’t we all be at the beach soaking up some rays?
The truth is I don’t want to think about how different I am because it hurts.
No one dreams of growing up different.
No, we all cry out to fit-in and to be the same. But what if we were all the same? I’m really not sure how comforting that would be either.
My mind takes me to the fact that if we were all the same then there would be no Rick in my life, there would be no Alene, and there would be no Graffiti book. And this sounds extremely crazy, but the thought of that makes my heart sad.
I tried for so long to fit in.
I had come to a point in my journey where I was tired of playing the game of trying to fit in. There really seemed to be more to life than wondering if my clothes, house, car, personality, and ministry “fit in.” I was exhausted trying to measure up to everyone’s standards.
If that is you, you know how exhausting it is. It is a tiring role to play because the truth is we are all different so we’ll never all fit into the same mold.
Should I take the risk?
The challenge this week is to also step out of my comfort zone and serve another. The friend I spoke of last week keeps coming to mind. But maybe I’m balking over the whole decision of serving her, because she’s different. If I step out to love her, then it reminds me of just how different I am.
I toss and turn some more. I think about the challenge. I think about the gift I have of the friendship with Rick because I took a risk. I think about her and wonder if I should take a risk?
I can already tell this is going to be a long sleepless night.
And the miracle answer arrives.
My phone buzzes with a text and since I wasn’t sleeping I pick it up.
I know it is late and I pray this does not wake you. God just showed me something in a study about your question and He won’t let me not tell you this right now. “God could not care less what particular sin we love.” The girl you asked about that is working in a strip club. Treat her as you would your friend who gossips or lies or struggles with faith/trusting God. I think we freeze sometimes with certain sins and feel more comfortable with others. Hope this makes sense. I was totally frozen when I read your question and this is Gods answer to me at least.
This friend’s words were powerful and an answer for sure! Could it be the only time we are glad we are different is when we look at each other’s sins? We categorize sin and say, “Oh my, I could never meet with her she’s a stripper. Or do you know what she’s done? Or did you see what he did? I’m so thankful my sins aren’t that big.” And we fool ourselves by thinking our own sins aren’t that bad.
But what Jesus refers to is that “there’s no difference in any sin.” Sin is sin!
Romans 3:21 “For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”
James 2:10 “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just ONE point is guilty of breaking ALL of it.”
I’m shaking my fists at this challenge. Can you see me?
I’m shaking my fists pretty violently as I say, maybe I’m just not that different after all?
Are you?