I found myself praying this morning for a new level of self-discipline. It seems every time I tackle a discipline — well, another one rears its head to be conquered. Maybe it has to do with maturity or just another season of life, but I’d sure just like to be done battling my own self-disicpline issues.
OK – I know that will never happen since we are human, but it certainly is a nice thought!
I was going through some old devotionals I had saved and ran across this one a friend had sent me. It is the perfect reminder of the steps I need to take to be more disciplined.
Developing Self-Discipline:
1) Start with small things.
2) Get yourself organized.
3) Don’t constantly seek to be entertained.
4) Be on time.
5) Keep your word.
6) Do the most difficult tasks first.
7) Finish what you start.
8) Accept correction.
9) Practice self-denial.
10) Welcome responsibility.
John MacArthur The Pillars of Christian Character
All ten of these steps are great. But #6 – definitely is what I needed to be challenged with today. I have gotten in the habit of putting off those difficult tasks and the ones I don’t care to do until . . . well . . . they just couldn’t be put off any longer.
What step might you need to take to develop a new level of self discipline?
I find that I accomplish much more when I make a list of things to do and even a timeline or goals for each day.. Number one and number 6 are in conflict with each other LOL! As for myself I look at what I have to do and ask myself ,"Which one of these things will please me the most when at the end of the day can be called DONE?" Accomplishing a goal is self entertainment…not my prefered method though..I really love shopping! :)
Okay Alene…this post was most definitely needed by me, today. I think you need to write another book on this topic alone!! I'm printing off that list to encourage me… I think number 6 is the hardest one for me, too!
God bless! <><
~ Tanya
Thanks girls. Overcoming ourselves will always be a fight. But Hallelujah Christ is revealed through overcomers!
Self-discipline is sooooo hard! I pray every day for the Lord to give me discipline in many areas of my life. #7 is definitely where I need the most help…I'm a terrible finisher! Thanks for this post…I really enjoyed reading it and it gives me a great list to put in my Bible and look over during my quiet time.