Mr. Rockstar Satan with that cigarette hanging out of your mouth,
Did you think you would be able to take over my body with tar, toxins and poison?
Your strategy was “almost” perfect.
Goal 1: Attack her father first years before her birth, with the addiction to cigarettes. She will see her daddy smoke and think it is ok to enjoy something so commonplace and familiar.
Goal 2: In 1993, introduce her to a new teen friend who smokes at her first job.
Goal 3: Introduce her to a new boyfriend who tells her it is sexy when she smokes.
Goal 4: Use the media and rock music to make smoking look fun and sexy to her.
Goal 5: She will give into the poison and she will ignore the whispers of the Holy Spirit and listen to my LIES.
Goal 6: She will rationalize smoking and make excuses. She will LIE to herself, “it is no big deal because I don’t smoke all day every day like other people”.
Goal 7: Pour upon her head anxiety. Fill her heart and stomach with stress.
Goal 8: She will consider herself a “closet smoker” and avoid thinking she is a “true smoker”. She will keep smoking because it will make her think it decreases the anxiety and stress in her life. I will wrap around her with the poison of a serpent, choking the life out of her. She won’t know it until it is too late.
Goal 9: Infect her lungs so she can’t breathe in the air created by God.
Goal 10: Give her Cancer or Cardiovascular Disease until Death overcomes her.
But you see there was an alternative plan for my body, to be a Holy Temple for the Spirit of God.
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
God’s Strategy
Goal 1: God gave me a mother who did not believe in or promote smoking; she was a true classy lady.
Goal 2: My Earthly father never smoked around me if he could help it, he loved me. He also always told me how addictive and costly of a habit it was. I remember him pointing to his veins telling me how the cigarette smoke was inside of him.
Goal 3: God also introduced me to a Christian man (studying to be a minister) where I worked in 1993.
Goal 4: The Christian man explicitly said this to me one night after work, “I am going to say a prayer that you will get so sick from smoking, like vomiting sick, that you will quit”.
Goal 5: God brought an awesome man into my life that would not condone smoking. He knew I cheated and sometimes I would lie to him and hide my nasty habit, but he still loved me.
Goal 6: God had a purpose for me to use my hands in wonderful ways to help the sick and dying, to care for cardiac patients, many who had the addiction to cigarettes. I couldn’t stand the voice in my head preaching one thing by day to patients about the dangers of smoking and living the LIES at night. I felt conviction but I chose to ignore it.
Goal 7: God brought birds near me who would sing in the early morning hours. In my heart I believed they were messages from God telling me to please stop harming my body with poison. I only saw the birds this close when I was smoking in the morning. The birds gave me hope and faith that I could overcome the LIES.
Goal 8: That Christian coworker I met around 1993 who said he would say a prayer for me “you will get so sick, like vomiting sick, that you will quit”. God brought that prayer to fruition. I got sick, vomiting sick. In December 2012, I got the common cold, which progressed into a continuous cough. I saw several doctors over 4 months. None of them could give me a definite answer about the chronic cough….I had no cancer from the x-rays, no abnormal lab values, no pneumonia or asthma. I had a cough that was so troubling; I began to vomit because I could not catch my breath in between coughing spells. All I kept thinking was what that man prayed over me 18 years ago.
Goal 10: I win because of Jesus healing power.
I have been cigarette free since April 2012, Amen.
As part of 31 Days of Anonymity, thank you anonymous for sharing. How-fitting this Easter season to remember that satan loses again. The enemy has been defeated so that you and I can walk in victory!!! Amen.
Powerful testimony!
I like God’s strategy! Wonderful!
Awesome post! Celebrating with you anonymous!