You can get so caught up in pursuing and finding your purpose – that you miss your purpose! <—–tweet this here!
We set out to seek that grand thing where we can leave a mark here on this earth. We tell ourselves:
I want to leave a legacy. I want to make a difference. I want to be known. I want to influence millions. I will dig into books on purpose and meaning to find my purpose. I will find my purpose one way or another. I know I was born for something bigger and better. I am called, but to what. . .
Look how many I’s are in the above paragraph. The first rule of thought about your purpose to remember:
Your purpose will NEVER be about you!
Your purpose will be found is serving others.
So, what is that burning desire within you? Find a way for it to serve others and meet their needs.
I definitely think I have found that with blogging and photography. I want to use both of those to help people. I'm not sure how, but God knows how to do it. :)
so true! thank you! I wrote on purpose today, too. :) love and blessings, cat (