Strolling through Botanical Gardens looking for a great piece of scenery for a family photo shoot, I ran across this beautiful clay pot and plant. I’m not quite sure why it captivated me because the pot was cracked. Broke. Useless, it would seem. But, I stopped and shot a few pics. However, as I left that day my mind was continually drawn back to that cracked pot.
I thought maybe it was because I could relate. After all, I feel like a cracked pot quite often. Don’t you? Please don’t tell me that’s just me.
When I finally downloaded the pictures, I felt like the reason I was drawn to this cracked pot was because I’m feeling like a cracked pot in a whole new way these days. This is a good “cracked pot” feeling, if there is such a thing.
Looking at the tree and roots growing inside the pot, I noticed the roots had outgrown it’s current container, thus the cracked pot. That’s when I went AH-HA — cracked pots are good.
Each one of us should go through seasons where our present bodies or containers are cracked in a good way. (The bad way would be having to go up a size in clothing, just saying!) As we grow we should reach our capacity and then burst forth more growth. It’s all about stretching ourselves and that all starts with the root of our being.
If you think your schedule is full,
stretch your capacity to fit in more of what matters most.
If your spiritual mind has become complacent,
drink the living water (God’s Word) and grow beyond your present thinking.
If your muscles are use to the same exercise (or non-exercise),
put on those running shoes and develop more muscle.
I’m so thankful I’m a cracked pot. How about you?
Beautiful picture! I love it! And love your post. You are so awesome! You are such a great writer!
I wrote a post one time about a cracked pot. I love this and I love your pics.
There's just something about a cracked pot – right? Thanks girls.
Alene, thanks for stopping by and showing some love yesterday :).
Love your cracked pot analogy.
It is true. Thanks for posting that.
Well there you go! Cracked pots ARE good! I pray my roots are growing and spreading too. I read a story about a cracked watering pot long ago. As the vessel was moved from one place to another, the water leaked out and left a path of life. Another good reason to be cracked.
Bless you today!
This was great Alene. Reminded me that I do indeed need to grow…not in dress size!….but in my spiritual depth.
God bless you!
Marilyn…in Mississippi