Well, it’s December! Are you feeling the holiday pressure yet? The hustle and bustle is already taking over my calendar, as I’m sure it is yours too. So to help me maintain peace, I am bringing back this podcast series I recorded some time ago because well . . . real truths are timeless!
Every year about this time my soul begins to long for peace, slower days and these words were ringing through my soul this morning.
Listen in to learn of the 5 Steps that will Bring Back Holiday Peace. [powerpress]
When I turned my calendar month to December, I could immediately feel the pressure mounting. There always seems to be so many added pressures this month, not to mention the normal chaos that life brings.
Why Bringing Back Peace?
I’ve decided, it’s time you and I bring peace back to our chaotic holidays. I will be blogging and podcasting peaceful encouragement for twelve non-consecutive days leading up to Christmas — these will be short devotionals to calm your cares, focus your agenda, and help you remember what this season is all about — peace! (be sure to subscribe for updates to get these delivered straight to your inbox)
The Lord of Peace has been born.
PEACEful Holidays
Listen in as we talk about 5 things you can do to ensure your holidays flow peacefully.
[powerpress] or subscribe in itunes (oh and if you like it could you click over and leave a review)
Are you a family that thrives off the hustle and bustle of the season? Or do you prefer the quiet still moments? Either way, this plan will help bring value to your holidays. It’s easy to remember and a proven plan to follow —
5 steps to P-E-A-C-E!
1. P – Plan
2. E – Evaluate
3. A – Accommodate
4. C – Control
5. E – Enjoy
Let me know if you have any other plans that help your holidays run smoothly. We can all learn from each other and avoid those mommy melt-downs and family catastrophes.
I’m off to grab my calendar, a Starbucks latte, and plan a peaceful holiday season. Oh how I wish you could join me, we’d chat about this thing we so desire — PEACE! But since we can’t chat in person, tell me about your holidays below.
How is your December looking?
Peaceful or Frazzled?
For so many years the holidays were consumed by stress, anxiety, doubt and depression. My desire for everything to be perfect lead me into a whirlwind of elaborate decorating and extreme over spending. I became consumed with decorating our little 2 bedroom bungalow as if it were Martha Stewart’s guest house. I stressed over purchasing that “perfect gift” for everyone dear to me. Then I had terrible anxiety and doubt over whether or not they would like the gift that I spent so much time and effort seeking out and purchased with money that I really didn’t have to spend. Christmas was then followed by anxiety over the terrible debt I accumulated, stress as I tried to rebound, sorrow over nothing turning out as I had hoped, all of which surmounted into a crippling depression.
The pressures of the world turned the celebration of God’s most precious gift to me into a dreaded hell.
Then, 5 years ago my whole world changed. I was blessed with the opportunity to serve and share God’s love with some amazing boys at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. I have since committed to return as often as possible. In 2013, I got to experience my first Dominican Christmas. Finally, I discovered the true gift of Christmas! I have spent the past 2 Christmases in the Dominican Republic, and am preparing to return in 2 weeks.
Now I enjoy the thrill and excitement of Black Friday shopping for Super Hero Underwear and Hot Wheels for little ones that cherish and receive such simple items as though they are gold. I celebrate Christmas with 20 – 25 loving, gracious, appreciative little boys, savoring a Dominican feast as though it were prepared for kings, gathered around a humble, bare tree branch adorned with empty pop bottles for ornaments. All the while, sharing the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we celebrate his miraculous birth!
And this is Christmas to me!!!
Jennifer — love your comment. I know those feelings well. I was just talking yesterday about how serving on the streets and going to Guatemala has definitely given me a different perspective on our American Christmas. Thankful to just celebrate HIM!!