Girls, grab your hardhats!
Are you looking for a renewed sense of self or a total spiritual make-over? If so, Alene’s soul-searching study is just what you need. This book will help you renovate, transform and light-up the rooms of your soul.
This heart-enlightening book is designed to change you from the inside out. Alene will challenge and inspire you as the Master Builder transforms you. With day-by-day remodeling tips you will begin restoring, repairing and renovating God’s house – your spiritual life – from day one.
Yes, you can be made new. Begin today!
Theme Verse: “You are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple.” 1 Peter 2:5
This book is due out this Fall. It’s amazing how God is working in the lives of the pilot group working through the book before it goes to publishing. We meet every Thursday and God is totally renovating our lives.
With all this said — I need a favor. I’d love your vote on a title. Below are a few of the suggested. I’d like to know which title would catch your attention and have you pick up the book off the shelf.
Pick one: Renovating God’s House – a six-week no-money makeover
Pick two: I’m a Fixer-Upper – a day-by-day remodeling guide
Pick three: Extreme Makeover ~ Soul Edition; a day-by-day remodeling guide
Or better yet — with the description and theme verse above create a new title. WIN two free books by submitting the winning title.
Post your vote or new title in the comments section or email me here.
Congratulations on the new book!! How I admire authors and wish that I could be one someday!
As far as the title….I like number ONE. The "no-money" part might really be a selling point in these days we are living in! I know it would to me!
Hi Friend,
I like Number two cuz I am definitely a Fixer upper. Good heavens the Lord has done a complete remondel on me.
Thanks for your support this morning. I had a blast!!
Thanks girls. I'll keep you posted. Blessings.
# 2 fixer upper!! catches the eye!
Just a thought
No Nails Needed, I AM complete
day to day talks with the Ego.
Do not be conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you
may prove the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect (Rom,12:2)
Ego is always trying to draw up new blueprints
Christ in you, your hope for glory. Perfect ,Whole and Complete. restore & repair that Truth daily.
I love 'Extreme Makeover ~ Soul Edition'!
Oh Alene–How exciting!
I like #2.
As a matter of fact, based on some of my personal experiences, I just got a devo idea from this. Thanks!
Blessings in Christ-
I sent you an email one idea is
From Shanty to Palace-God's Way
I'll keep thinking!!!!!
Enjoying the pilot group…
> From Fixer-upper to Upper-Fixed
> From Fixer-upper to Upward-Fixed
WOW- I am blown away by the creativity you all have! Thanks for sharing. Keep votes and titles coming. I'll be presenting your ideas to a group who will narrow down our selection. I would definitely covet your prayers these next few weeks as finishing touches go on this book. Prayers for God's anointing in every word. Blesings to each of you. Amen!!
Just a thought
The Clean Up Crew—Constructive Thinking
Wow , That's One Nice House
Power Washing- Image & Likeness
Let Your True Nature Shine !!!
I like # 2 because I, like my house, is always needing something repaired and fixed!